Need Advice

I have PCOS, Irritable Bowl Syndrome, Diabetes, and Von Willebrands blood clotting disorder.

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 12 (I’m 19 now) as I had to have cysts removed from my ovaries. I’ve tried many birth controls to help regulate the PCOS. Recently a OBGYN prescribed Metformin; however, since it caused trouble with my IBS he said, “I mostly like to do surgeries, so I don’t have time to mess with your meds.” Then he referred me back to my primary care—which doesn’t want to deal with it either. I’ve called every doctor within 50 miles and they all have the same response, “You have too many problems. I don’t want you as a new patient.” Has anyone else had this problem before?? Any idea’s what to do?

I am obese, but have been steadily working at losing weight in hopes of that helping with all the problems. In June 2012 I weighed 270 as of today (12-31-12) I weigh 240. Also in desperation, I’ve started taking vitamins on Dec 9 because I’ve researched that PCOS is a vitamin deficiency… and because I can’t get treatment from a doctor. What I’m currently taking is listed below. Has supplements helped you?? I don’t know which way to turn, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I’m not trying to conceive. I’m just trying to get all of my problems under control, so I can be healthy again. I'm at the end of my rope, though.

A VITAMIN 8,000 I.U. 1x Morning
C TR VITAMIN 1,000 MG 1x Morning
D-3 VITAMIN 1,000 I.U. 1x Morning- 1x Night
E VITAMIN 410 I.U. 1x Morning- 1x Night
BIOTIN 5,100 MCG 1x Morning
FISH OIL 800 MG 1x Night
FLAXSEED OIL 800 MG 1x Night
BORAGE OIL 400 MG 1x Night


  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Have you tried to find an Endocrinologist? Specifically, Reproductive Endocrinologists are usually most well-versed with PCOS, and you don't NEED to be trying to conceive to see one. That is the specialist I would try. OBGYNs and primaries really don't have the knowledge to treat PCOS well.

    I have found that vitamins and fish oil help with my mood issues a lot, but that's about it.

    Good luck!