Newbie for 2013

Hi Everyone
Are there any others new to this group or the challenge?
Thanks to my new MFP friend emcdonie - who just told me about this group, I decided to join for 2013.
I have been on MFP since Jan 2012, didn't know about this group oher wise would have joined last year. During the first few months of 2012 I was on WW. I had lost about 35 pounds, not even 10% of what I had to lose. There is a long story behind what happened and why I quit but that is history. I gained back what I had lost so I am starting again with WW on my own from home.

I am 57 years old, (any others in their 50"s) divorced but do have a platonic roommate. I have no family and hope to be able to make friends here to not only receive but also give support and encouragement. I don't have an official weight yet as I am waiting for Jan 2nd and for the challenges to start. I do know I have at least 200 pounds to lose and will be here for a long time. In addition to the weight I also have physical and mental limitations. I was injured in the 1990's by someone who used my back to stop him from falling over a tent stake. Since that time I have been limited in my short term ability to remember and to stand and walk. I must use an electric mobility device, 2 canes or a rollator. I can do some chair exercises but have a feeling most of my weight loss will be through a huge drop in my calories.

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you.


  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome to the group. You will find that most of us have similar stories. Some are new - others have been here awhile. Some are older, others are just starting out in life.

    There is a lot of support here if you look for it. I suggest reading through the forums and finding people you like the sounds of. Check their profile and see if they sound like a good fit then send a friend request. "Friends" are the most supportive - generally there is some sort of personal connection: similar journey, similar goals, etc.

    Note: there are a lot of people (myself included) that will not accept a friend request that does not include some sort of personal note. For myself, there is a limit to how many friends I can reasonably offer to support - and I expect support in return. I know I have a different plan than many, and a number of people don't agree with it. That's great - if you cannot support my basic philosophy, then I question what value I can bring to your journey.