Newbie landing

New year, new beginnings. :flowerforyou: Not a resolution though because they normally only last a week. I have already lost around 38kgs following the WW plan but am ready for a change because I am finding the plateau I have been stuck on a little hard to move off. The only way to do it is to reduce points and I have discussed this with my doctor and he agrees that I would have to repeat that process when I plateau again. Loving the food lifestyle changes. No problems there. Looking forward to losing the Christmas binge and think it is just too hard to resist when you are the cook. Be nice to pass the baton after making 47 Christmas dinners however, so far, no takers. :laugh:
I hope this is an active board and look forward to sharing with members here.

Happy new year and wishes for many blessings for you.


  • GinnyScott
    GinnyScott Posts: 5 Member
    Recent trip to ER with out of control high blood pressure has me motivated to start again. I've got 100 pounds to lose and am overwhelmed with the prospect of dieting. I've done in before, but it always gets tougher "the next time".
  • Liz_M_
    Liz_M_ Posts: 25
    Hi Ginny. I have the 'been there done that' t shirt too but this time I have been holding pretty well for 2 years. I put on a little over Christmas this year and will tackle it immediately. I know the agony of having to take those first steps for a major loss and it can be daunting until the scales show us there is something worth working for. Progress is good. Good luck, you can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Hi Liz and welcome to MFP. I am a lifelong member of WW. I got down to my goal quite a few years ago in the days when they counted calories. I was in my 30's. I told you it was a rew years agao lol. They went on to the points system and I didn't get on very well with that. I tried several times but didn't stick with it.

    I found MFP last July and haven't looked back. I have lost over 30lbs and have around 33 still to go. Other than a slight blip over New Year I think I have done ok.

    I am back on the wagon now so if you would care to join me I am sending you a friend request and we can help each other along if you accept me.
  • Mrsmartin61
    Welcome Liz.m. This is a good place to will get a lot of support! I will add a January chat tag and we can all keep current !
  • mamie67
    mamie67 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everybody,
    I just joined this group. I am 67 (almost) and I am encouraged to know that we can lose weight even at our age.
    What diet do you think is the best?
    The number of calories that I am supposed to ingest seams to be enormous for me. Is it normal?
    I am biased by the other diets I followed in the past. 1200 calories was the maximum for me. It was more around 800 calories per day. Here it is almost double that amount.
    Please help
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Just recently joined this group. I find it is getting harder to lose the weight. I may lose it more slowly, but I will do this. I put on a little over the holidays also. :smile:
  • biscotti_nkpa
    biscotti_nkpa Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm from PA. 62 years young. I'm facing knee replacement surgery. I have about 100 pounds to lose. The orthopedic surgeon wouldn't even consider doing the surgery until I lose at least some of the here I am. It's difficult for me to exercise now because of the knee pain. The arthritis started after going thought chemo for two different types of cancer. It' s a catch 22 if I didn't have the arthritis problem I would exercise more. I'm retired now and have put on more weight because I'm not as active. It's a new year, new beginning... I'll try again! :-)

  • evie_wundt
    evie_wundt Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to the board but not to MyFitnessPal. I've been gaining and losing the same 20 pounds for the past 10 years. It's becoming more difficult to take it off each time. I want to stop the roller coaster.
  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey, this sounds like me! I don't have a lot to lose, but I have the same 20!! Let's vow to get rid of it for good this year. I know it means healthy eating (most all of the time) and exercise each day I can. I am newly retired and have the time now to focus on my health and make some lifestyle changes.
  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    It is much harder to lose as we get older, and of course, Holiday weight gain is almost a given. Now back to the plan! Good luck!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    I am so excited to see you all here. We come and we go. Some of us have stayed here though. We have a weekly challenge going on for exercises each day. Come join us. Just look at this group and find the tag, weekly challenges Dec 30 through Jan 6. Would love to have you all there.
  • imstillfluffy
    :happy: Best wishes & luck & health to all of us! Happy New Year.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to the board but not to MyFitnessPal. I've been gaining and losing the same 20 pounds for the past 10 years. It's becoming more difficult to take it off each time. I want to stop the roller coaster.

    Hi, Evie, I'm Ronna and I'm in the same boat, gaining and losing the same 25-30 lbs for most of my life. I reach my goal and stay there for about 5 years then put it right back on and have to start all over again. I've been on WW, but it never quite worked for me. I found out about MFP last year and decided to try it--it works! I've lost 13 pounds and have about 7 to go (and then I'll think about the last 5 lbs {lol}). Welcome to this board. We have a lot of support going on here and I feel like I have real friends. Send me a friend request if you like. But most of all, good luck to us all in this new year and continuing journey toward good health and fitness.
  • GinnyScott
    GinnyScott Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Liz. I'm off to a great start. Keeping it up will be the hard part. Exercise is particularly daunting. Going to the Y for water aerobics, or just moving around to start. Just "walking" in the water is helpful and easy to get started. Less pressure on joints, too. Must find a bathing suit large enough to fit me that is easy to put on and take off. Any suggestions? I do all my shopping on-line.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    To Ginny Scott, try Kohls for a bathing suit. I got a cute 2 piece in March and live it because the bottom is like the "boy" shorts? anyways easy to take off.
  • imstillfluffy
    Hello newbie. I'm relatively a newbie too. Trying to get used to posting messages as I suspect I can't make friends unless I get used to this!
    I hope we all do well with our assorted plans of fitness & healthy eating.. Happy New Year to us all!
  • Liz_M_
    Liz_M_ Posts: 25
    Happy new year and hope everyone had a good day today. I am loving this site and finding so much of interest here.
  • tixlady
    First day using. Not really sure how to post messages but here goes. I have recently retired from a exciting, stressful career and now ready to devote some time on me for the first time ever....I have quite a bit to lose. I look forward to seeing the results everyone is having.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Just found your group today. It's so nice that everyone is so active in this group! I'm 71 and still working on my plan to get really healthy. About 30# yet to lose. And I aim to build some new muscle this year!!!
  • shazzacass
    shazzacass Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Liz, everyone .. Newbie too. Have you been doing Weight Watchers Liz?

    I am a serial WW'er but gave Michelle Bridges 12WBT a go last year to give "the journey" a kick start so to speak. Put on 2kgs over December, and feeling it. Food intake pretty good but it's the coloured water Im still trying to put a lid on. Have a 7 day Hiking trip in Tuscany booked for early June so really need to get rid of this lard, to make it more comfortable for me.