RoMosley Posts: 18 Member
I cant believe it,I DID IT. So happy I cried. Was surprise when the voice command said RUN, I had been running 8 min,walking 5mins the first two days,so I expected to do the same,but as I was running,"I'm like,this been kinda long,so I look at my phone
it said 10min to go, I about died,but instead of freaking out,like I usually would,I kept going. I just found a focal point,and control my breathing,at times my legs did start to feel heavy, I look at the phone again 3min left, back to focal point,and thinking c'mon
you can do this, and then it s said COOL DOWN,I thru my hands up,and yelled a bunch of times,then it said COMPLETE. I cried,
thought to myself,I just ran for 20 min straight,without stopping, that is a 10min mile,and 2.0miles, @ a speed of 6.0mph running,
3.1mph walking. I feel great, I think it help me, I did W5D2 twice,will enjoy my 2 days off,before starting W6D1. Down 16 pounds.
I'm 5'5" started at 193,now 177, So anybody can do this DETERMINATION
