What are your goals for 2013?

What's everyone's goals for 2013?

Mine are:
*quit smoking
*lose 30-40lbs
*try one new thing every month - new activity, sport, restaurant, anything
*get better with my camera
*learn guitar
*read more
*learn to love myself more - be confident, know that I am beautiful and to overall be happy with myself
*take more me time
*try meditation/yoga
*just enjoy life to the fullest


  • eazieske
    eazieske Posts: 212 Member
    taking more time for myself take more time grooming my self (shaving, color hair girl stuff)
    Eating more veggies.
    Be more active.
    Get healthy.
    Get off medications
    be a better partner,daughter,sister,friend
    Go to church more
    Read Bible,pray more
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    What's everyone's goals for 2013?

    Mine are:
    *quit smoking
    *lose 30-40lbs
    *try one new thing every month - new activity, sport, restaurant, anything
    *get better with my camera
    *learn guitar
    *read more
    *learn to love myself more - be confident, know that I am beautiful and to overall be happy with myself
    *take more me time
    *try meditation/yoga
    *just enjoy life to the fullest

    Part of my loving myself more or learning to love myself includes taking care of me and not letting others' opinions affect me so much. :)

    Here's to an awesome 2013!!
  • deedeetris
    deedeetris Posts: 207 Member
    I want to:

    * reach goal weight
    * complete at least one triathlon or adventure race
    * get rid of all of my diet books (I can compete with the Library of Congress on this one)
    * do some crafting every day
    * get out and do stuff
    * stop worrying about everything
    * spend more quality time with my family
    * quit trying to find the magic bullet and just do it.
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Great goals guys! I know we can do this because we are so strong :)
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    Awesome goals! I'm actually working on my goals now. Will definately share once they are complete :)
  • AstridParties
    AstridParties Posts: 85 Member
    My goals are pretty simple yet seem so hard for me to do!

    1. Get organized
    2. Reach my goal weight.
    3. Cook more often.

    Hopefully this will be the year ;0)
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    Pass the ASVAB.
    Get into Military shape.
    Run Every other day.
    Wake up at 4am for cardio.
    Get processed into the Air Force.
    Stop taking everything seriously and personally lol.