Hi Everyone!

Hey y'all! I'm new to the group, but have been on MFP for over a year now (actively). I'm 30, recently divorced, and have an 8 yr old daughter. Leading up to my 30th birthday, I challenged myself to meet a weight loss goal of loosing 30 pounds beforehand. I've lost that 30 pounds and have another 30 to go to reach my ultimate goal. I did the first 30 on my own, but I have decided I might need some encouragement, support, fellowship, and accountability as I work on this last 30!

I am located just south of Atlanta and have some physical injuries/restrictions that prevent a lot of types of exercise. However, my boyfriend and I spend a lot of time walking, working on remodeling the house, gardening and hiking in the local state parks which all help me burn calories. I am fairly new to hiking, having only done this for a few years with a limited amount of activity. With hiking being my main form of real exercise, I'm looking for tips on challenging tracks and hiking in general from more experienced members. My longest hike at the moment was 7 miles, but working to up that to 15 by the end of March.

Looking forward to discussions and support in the group!


  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    You're best bet is to connect with other hikers in your area. There are lots of hiking groups on Meetup.com. Check it out.

    Also, I'm sending a friend request your way.
  • Thanks for the advice! I will check out Meetup.com tonight!
  • Hi, I'm new to the group too! Good luck on your fitness journey. I'm in Atlanta too. There is a club called AOC (Atlanta Outdoor Club) and they organize gazillions of hikes a month for all levels plus they organize trips (for when you are ready to backpack, which is awesome).
  • Hey! Thanks for the heads up on AOC - I saw some information on them yesterday....will definitely look into them more!!