Pesach Countdown!!

paprikas Posts: 118 Member
This sounds very superficial after the Dvar Torah thread, but do you know that it is only 11.5 weeks until Pesach? (Jewish Passover) For the unititiated, Passover is a huge week long event on the Jewish calendar. It celebrates freedom, dedication to G-d and a constant awareness of our journey to this point and our goals beyond. We eat completely differently to all year (that's another story!) and clean our homes of many foods and products.

Amid all the cleaning, the cooking and the food lets see if we can make it a priority to look after ourselves and our health.

Would you like to join the Pesach Challenge. How much do you want to weigh on the Seder night???

For me, If I can lose another 5 to 8 kilos and get to the gym 3 times a week in the leadup to Yom Tov I would be thrilled. What are your goals???


  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    I would like to lose the rest of the 15.6lbs I need to lose to make my short term goal of 32lbs. IMYH by Pesach...
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I'm in, but I'm currently recalculating my final goals, so I'll have to say what those are later (once I've bought a tape measure).

    One definite goal is to earn my orange belt in krav maga. That's a good goal, and probably doable, right?
  • Rach424
    Rach424 Posts: 14
    This is pretty cool! OK... I would like to lose 10 lbs. by that time and fit into clothing I haven't been able to wear in awhile. I exercise like a crazy person but it's the food, and IBS, I have to manage. I wish that my better food choices automatically made the IBS better but that's not an excuse to eat the fridge. That said, I will keep up my exercise regimen and go for that 10 lb. loss. Thanks for starting this!!!
  • Rach424
    Rach424 Posts: 14
    I love that you're doing Krav Maga too!!! What school do you go to? We were at Krav Maga Illinois pre- Aliyah and now teach level 1 classes at home.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I train with Eli Levstein. He does classes twice a week at my local gym. I got my yellow belt shortly before the chagim. :)
  • montynurse
    montynurse Posts: 5 Member
    For me it is not the weight loss until pesach, it is the big possibililty of weight gain on Pesach! With all the meals (and this year Shabbas falls in between the pesach days) it is a marathon of eating and eating and eating again! And how healthy can you make it with just meat and potatoes, and potatoes, and potatoes. Ugg, I am not looking forward to that at all. Love everything else about it...yes, even the cleaning.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    For me it is not the weight loss until pesach, it is the big possibililty of weight gain on Pesach! With all the meals (and this year Shabbas falls in between the pesach days) it is a marathon of eating and eating and eating again! And how healthy can you make it with just meat and potatoes, and potatoes, and potatoes. Ugg, I am not looking forward to that at all. Love everything else about it...yes, even the cleaning.

    Really? My bigger issue is the eggs. 12-egg sponge cake. Kugel. The other kugel.
  • paprikas
    paprikas Posts: 118 Member
    so true.... and I have kids moving in so there will be even less time for me to focus on and plan my own foods. Very scary.
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    There are lots of recipes you can make on pesach that don't involve "kugel"...

    I saute a lot of carrot and zucchini sticks as a side dish.

    Roasted root vegetables - beets, carrots, parsnip, turnips, and diced onion - delish! has TONS of vegetable and salad recipes that can be adapted for even the STRICTEST of pesachs.

    What I'm most concerned about is the TONS of sugar everyone puts into everything. That's what worries me...

    I'm already off white flour and potatoes...
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Nobody gets between me and my kugel. Nobody.

    But, yeah, I basically use them as my starch or as desert. :)
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    ehh im so nervous for that... four cups of wine/grape juice?? thats so many calories!!!!! and matzahhh BLAHHH
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    all the more reason i need to lose these pounds by pesach!!!
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    I am going to INSIST on getting a heter to weigh my food on yom tov. If I have to weigh and premeasure my matzah before yom tov, I will.

    And statistically speaking, two days of grape juice and matzah shouldn't throw you off your game if you are sensible with the rest of your food.

    Think about it - Pesach should be EASIER then the rest of the year - you're already probably drinking only water, you can't eat bread, how palatable is matzah? You're already eating lean meat and tons of veggies.

    I'm off white flour, sugars, white potatoes, white rice. Pesach should not be hard for me this year... I will only miss the spices...
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Just drink a plastic mini-kiddush cup for each cup of wine! Actually, why are the tiny cups okay for communal kiddush on Shabbos, but not for Pesach? Or is this like how grape juice is okay on Shabbos, but you are really supposed to have actual wine on Pesach?

    I fully admit that I was already, like, 24 years old when I realized that the little plastic cups are disposable shot glasses...
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    Everyone has a different custom/halachic opinion, but I know in Chabad we generally hold the cups on pesach must be a minimum of 4oz (which is really not bad).
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Yeah, but Chabad is also crazy machmir about everything ever. :tongue:
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    I just asked a rabbi... they said the first cup should be 4.2 ounces and the others could be 3.8 or 6 (just forgot what he said), and the first cup u should drink the whole thing but the others you just need to drink the majority... so iguess that's not that bad
  • paprikas
    paprikas Posts: 118 Member
    Two things I am going to try to promise myself over Pesach: I will try to prelog, print out and adapt my food diary after the fact so that I remain accountable.
    I will try to go for at least one decent walk each day of Yom Tov.
    Hopefully that should keep things from getting out of control. Good Shabbos all.
  • FunnyGirl613
    FunnyGirl613 Posts: 151 Member
    Two things I am going to try to promise myself over Pesach: I will try to prelog, print out and adapt my food diary after the fact so that I remain accountable.
    I will try to go for at least one decent walk each day of Yom Tov.
    Hopefully that should keep things from getting out of control. Good Shabbos all.


    I'm also going to try BOTH THINGS!
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    iI was at my lowest weight in september... then sukkot came and BAM lol
    I'm not gonna let that happen again... This is gonna be a holiday where i'm gonna focus on the healthy stuff- it's gonna be good!

    * also to add. Pesach is the holiday of freedom and therefore the time to finally be free of the yetser harah to overindulge and eat when you don't want to! Obviously, to be practical though... there is never gonna be a time when you can completely be free of the yetser harah in any aspect, but pesach I think is a good time to be able to tap in to this energy...

