Weigh in Day 1

Here we go!

A little about me...
51 years old
5 feet 7 inches
155.9 lbs today
Down 8 lbs from heaviest weight
Goal weight for V Day challenge - 140 lbs
Ultimate goal 130 lbs


  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Nice to meet you.... Thank you for joining the challenge and starting another part of your amazing journey... Looking forward to seeing your sore these next 6 weeks!
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    Here we go!

    A little about me...
    31 years old
    5 feet 3 inches
    148 lbs today
    Down 19 lbs from heaviest weight
    Goal weight for V Day challenge - 135 lbs
    Ultimate goal 128-130 lbs
  • Parrishbabe13
    Parrishbabe13 Posts: 25 Member
    27 years old
    5 feet 2 inches
    225 lbs today
    lost 29 pounds so far
    Goal weight for V Day challenge - 215
    Ultimate goal 180 and then go from there
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    erm im guessing this isnt the official weigh in??
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    erm im guessing this isnt the official weigh in??

    No I think this is just people introducing them selve's and telling us about them. The official weigh says first weigh in on it. I or Amanda will start the new topic on Monday stating Week 1...........