It's Early but how is it going?

youlighter Posts: 129 Member
The year is young but the first few days can be the worst. We are teaching our bodies all over again how to do more with less and for our efforts we are usually pleasantly surprised with our scales and tape measures. Have you weighed yourself yet? Do you have your REAL measurements (whether we want to know them or not we need to know where we have begun).
Rt arm
Rt thigh.

Have you joined a gym? Have you got a support team other than here on MFP? Get your family and friends involved if they do not support you then remember you are doing this for you and we are here to help! WE CAN BEAT THIS, and beat this we will.

Show everyone how big of a loser you really are :o)

Justin - youlitgher


  • Just joined a few mins ago is there someplace where everyone meets or is it all done on l7ne l7ke this ?
  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    Just online for now. We are here to help motivate and encourage. You may friend any of us and we can follow much easier the day to day!