College junior

Hey y'all! My name is Abby and I would love to have more support from people my age going through similar experiences!

A little information about me:

Junior at Appalachian State University
Majoring in Marketing

Height: 5'5"
Starting Weight: 147lbs
Goal is to weigh 130lbs by April

I've recently gained weight due to going out with sorority sisters and focusing on drinking and eating pizza instead of running and taking care of my body. I need all that to change and would love to have support from y'all!


  • Hey I am also a junior in college, I'm 5'5 too and I am a Business Management major!
    I am current 177 and my goal is anywhere between 145-150 but even if I hit 160 I will be thrilled! I am with you on the support aspect, its easy to find someone to eat a pizza with but hard to find someone to run with! lol
  • Hey I'm a junior in college too! I'm a psychology major. I'm 5'10" and looking to get down to 150-160 lbs.