whew...back on track!!!

Butlavie Posts: 46 Member
hello everyone

So I didnt do so well over the holidays but I didnt do horrible..I ate a lot of things that took me off course. The good news is i went to see my nutionist and got some good info and encouragement and Im back on course. One of the worries I had is that my honeymoon was over and she said not for a year...so I still have time to maximize on my weightloss 35 lbs to go and Im there..I also see protein protein protein will always be the way to go.


  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    Good for you! Getting back on track is always the key to success! I wish you luck on those last 35 pounds.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Sounds like you are back on track and will start to lose that last 35 lbs. I have a long way to go, only 6 months out and am already having problems sticking to the plan. I know what I should be doing, but not following thru. I am disappointed in myself and frightened at the same time.
  • Maylene1217
    Maylene1217 Posts: 35 Member
    just wanted to say everyones body is different and if you dont abuse your pouch it will work for many years. i am on my 4th year out and still get a strong full feeling and when i stick to "the plan" (which does indeed for me mean lots of protein) i fairly quickly lose any regain.
  • meangrl29
    meangrl29 Posts: 40 Member
    I am 2 years out from sleeve surgery. I have regained 35lbs over the last year. When I eat the way I should I can still barely eat
    4 oz of chicken or fish. the lbs still drop quickly when I am on track. My dr disagreed with the theory that your stomach will "stretch". I gained weight because I ate things I shouldn't be eating. I replaced overeating with eating very small amounts of really awful foods & sugary drinks. I am so happy to be back on track & losing again.