why do arms SHAKE during reps?

just started using free weights at the gym....

doing simple exercises (bicep curl, arnold press, flys, etc) with relatively light dumbells (10 lbs)

why, especially when i do tricep work, do my arms shake and tremble near top of rep?
never feel pain, and i am OCD about proper form, but I just feel like a bit of a nerd when dudes are pumping HEAVY weights, i am am trembling with a couple ten-pounders?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    how many reps are you doing?

    also are you doing compound lifts? those will help develop strength more so than the isolation work
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    how many reps are you doing?

    also are you doing compound lifts? those will help develop strength more so than the isolation work

    I am usually doing about 10 or 12 reps (my muscles kinda give up after that point), and I don't even know what "compound lifts" are...I am just starting out! :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    It's great that you're starting out weight lifting!

    Compound lifts work more than one muscle group. Isolation works one muscle group. Isolations can be useful. For example they can help you strengthen a muscle group that is holding you back on a compound lift. =D Overall compound lifts are more beneficial because in the same amount of time you have worked way more muscles. I just switched from body weight workouts to 5x5 stronglifts which is a basic heavy lifting program for beginning lifters. This week so far I've done back squats, standing overhead presses, deadlifts, bench presses, and pendlay rows. (You can search these on youtube to see what the lift looks like.) I have not done any crunches, leg raises, situps, etc. My abs have been killing all week. (Along with the rest of me. Ouch :wink: )

    If you're lost and just beginning there are several beginning lifting programs you can look into. They're all really good. For best results stick to whichever one you pick for a while. Some to look at- Stronglifts 5x5 , NROLFW, Starting Strength. I like stronglifts because its idiot proof. I have the NROLFW book- I find it really interesting, but the routines are too confusing to me. Someone who gets bored with the same thing all the time would probably hate stronglifts though.

    Good luck!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Shaking means your muscles are running low on glucose.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    hmmmm....glucose...maybe a banana before the gym?
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    gonna look into strong lifts and the other programs u mention...need something to guide me...