Introduce yourself!



  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    My name is Tina and I am 35 years old. I live in California and I'm a military wife and mom of two.

    My current weight is 314 and I am hoping to lose somewhere around 150 lbs.

    I have PCOS and I have struggled with my weight since puberty. I gained quite a bit of weight with my first child, and after my second child was born I decided to get healthier. That was five years ago. I lost about 50 lbs, but after we moved to California, I gained it all back and then some. Going back to school also took a lot of focus off my health. I spent so much time studying and just trying to take care of my family that I forgot to take care of myself.

    Now that I have graduated, I want to focus on my body instead of my brain. I am hoping to make a lifestyle change towards more activity and fresher, healthier foods that will last a lifetime.
  • Besta030
    Hopefully, you can find a pen pal here that "clicks" with you.

    Hi, I am Besta and am 61. I am at an all time high and put on almost 18 lbs in 6 mos. It is stress. I am former military with rampant PTSD.

    I have joined a gym and have decided that this is it. I am going to commit one full year to a do over on myself and hopefully one full year will be enough for behavior modification. I am also going to commit to visiting the community once a day to let everyone know how I am doing (whether you want to know or not LOL).

    I am making my weigh in Monday mornings.
  • Besta030
    My name is Marlee
    I have a 6 year old daughter who has been a severly health disabled child since before she was born.
    I am a full time college student for Veterinary Technology

    I have always been "thick" i wasnt fat, i just had a butt and thighs. I had a very small waist and it made no sense. I had my daughter Nov 2006 and spent the first 5 weeks of her life traveling back and forth 2.5 hrs away from Childrens Hospital. I just got dumped by my bf right before i had her and the stress was a lot. Within the first 6 months of her life i packed on almost 75 lbs. I remember it like it was yesterday when the Nurse told me the scale must be broken because it wasnt possible to gain that much weight that rapidly. However, the scale was NOT broken. Ive gained over 160 lbs since i had my daughter and id lovet o get my life back. 2012 was an awful year, and 2013 i feel is my lucky year. I feel motivated, i feel confident, i feel like i can finally take my life back and become the person that i once was. Everybody says they miss the old me, well guess what, so do I. I used to enjoy every moment of my life. Now my life consists of Dr visits, hospital stays, Classes all day and night, homework for hours, and driving back and forth to pick up and drop off my daughter, since im a single parent again. Im 26 years old and i feel like im 50! I want to have energy like i used to and have my daughter be so proud of me. I want to be proud of myself. I want to feel alive again! Little changes ive been making, have been making me feel like im getting small pieces of myself back. I know I can do this :)
  • Besta030
    When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had kidney failure at 5 mos, my first stroke at 8 mos and following her birth 39 strokes and when she was 9 mos old had 2/3 of a kidney removed.

    I am not trying to one up your story, but I am telling you that everything is a day at a time. When I had a headache or was stressed I would ask my daughter for a hug and it would go away. I promised myself that I would take 2 min morning noon and night to tell her how much I loved her and what a gift she was to me. When I felt the world crushing me, that intentional 2 minutes with her fought off the dragons.

    I did the school at night and read biology homework to my daughter for her night time stories. When I switched to accounting, she would quiz me on terms. We did our homework at the table together. I was a single Mom for 27 years. You can do this Marlee. Let your love for each other be your strength and incentive. Being a single Mom just means you don't have to share her :)
  • Aprilh479
    My name is April
    I'm 22
    I live in Maryland
    I'm 5'10
    My goal weight is 190lb I'm not at the 100 mark yet but I'm very close to it!
    I need some friends and motivation!!
    The journey has been very lonely and I've been very unsuccessful at losing weight! It's 3:40am here and I'm on here begging for some help so u kno it's pretty serious! Feel free to add me!!!
  • rethadiet
    rethadiet Posts: 25 Member
    I am Retha Groenewald and I live in South Africa. I need to lose a lot. I would love to loose about 100 lbs and become fit again. The exercising is very difficult for me at the moment. I begun walking the dogs.
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    I'm Ashley, 28, from Alabama.
    Starting weight: 267
    Goal weight: 125

    I am in 100% this time. My boyfriend and I want to marry at the end of the year and start working on a family. Besides becoming healthy, this is the greatest motivation I have ever had.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Kim, 37, Melbourne Australia .
    Just for you guys I will work out pounds :)

    Current weight 253
    Goal weight 163
    Lost 60 pounds last year and honestly if I lose another 50-60 I will be happy.
  • c2hrist3a
    c2hrist3a Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Everybody! My name is Christa. I am 35 and my starting weight is 242.5. My goal weight is around 150...give or take--when I was at 140, I was super skinny...I want to be healthy.

    I have an amazing, supportive husband and three children-Pat (11), Nathaniel (6) and Joshua (5). We are super busy, but I have been working out regularly since last February and can finally run 2.9 miles in 45 minutes. I want to be able to run a 5k this spring and I think it's actually going to happen!

    I love to sew, knit, anything that is needle oriented, I can do it and love to do it. Unfortunately, that means I sit a lot for my hobbies. I have always taken a no holds barred approach to life and this is my year. I quit smoking a year and a half ago and now I need to wrangle my inner fat kid (no offense intended to anyone).

    Thanks for inviting me into the group! :)
  • brianna819
    brianna819 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello Group!
    My Name is Brianna
    I am 30 years old
    I live in Buford, GA (my "home" is in MI)
    My current weight is 251, (I was 240 before Christmas)
    My goal is 155
    I am a mother to two beautiful babies (5yr old boy and 3yr old girl)
    I have been with my husband for 14 years and he is still the love of my life. I want to be a healthy Mom and a sexy Wife! I have a hard time saying No to food and have been an overeater for as long as I can remember. I will start a diet in the morning and by dinner I have gone off the deep end. It takes a lot of hard work and busy work to keep me from walking down the path that got me here in the first place. I can't wait to have a picture taken of me where i don't look sloppy. Please feel free to add me as a support, and I will do my best to support you too!
  • jeanandgang
    Where you live
    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose)

    Hi everyone! My name is Jean, I'm 41 and I live in Northern NJ. I'm currently 253lbs & would like to get down to between 150-160. I've been married for 18yrs and have 5 kids, one singleton (b,17) & two sets of b/g twins (15 & 10). I've struggled with my weight since I was about 8yrs old, and I'm just tired of it! My husband is supportive, but there are times when I know he's not saying anything if I start slipping b/c he doesn't want to hurt my feelings. I want to feel good and be willing & able to be more active with my kids. I volunteer as a cheerleading coach for my youngest daughter and I'd like to set a better example for not only my own daughter, but for all of "my girls" as well.
  • drjw70
    drjw70 Posts: 6
    My name is Debbie
    I live in Connecticut
    I'm at my heaviest which is 300...
    My goal is to lose about 140....
    I join this site in last yr but did not use is the time that I take back my life....I want to be healthy and live a long life....
  • mjhuddleson
    mjhuddleson Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, my name is Melissa and I am 34 years old. I live in Hamilton, Ohio (just north of Cincinnati). I am a single mom to an incredible 10 year little boy. I have been divorced for 7 years now. I have always been the “fat” girl ever since I can remember. When I got pregnant with my son, I weighed 260 lbs. I lost 30 lbs. after I had him and gained quite a bit during my divorce and the years afterwards. I decided to finally do something about my weight and I had the gastric sleeve surgery on February 14th, 2012. It was the greatest Valentine’s day present I could ever receive!

    I am currently down 60 lbs. but I have such a long way to go. Just because I had surgery doesn’t mean that I took the easy way out. Actually, people expect me to lose it faster, but it is still a hard journey. I can’t eat as much at a time as others, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t eat things I shouldn’t. I find that when I take my vitamins like I am supposed to and get in all the protein I should, that I lose weight a little faster. I have been on a plateau for 6 months though – and I am really feeling sluggish. I didn’t go through all the struggles I have to not lose the weight – although I am not balking at the 60 lbs. that I have already lost! My highest weight was 339 lbs. and I was so mad that I let myself get to that point. My big goal right now is to be at 200 lbs. Of course I want to get down even more, but I am trying to set reasonable goals at first. My short term goal is to lose at least 10 lbs. by the time my one year surgery anniversary comes around.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • gettinfit320
    gettinfit320 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi all - I'm 56 and live near Gainesville, Florida. I've struggled with weight all my life. I have done WW countless times and at my lowest (as an adult) was about 199 on my wedding day (over 33 years ago-I'm still married to the same wonderful husband). When I got pregnant with my only daughter (age 30) I weighed 220. I never lost my 'baby weight' and flucuated between 240-260 most of my life.
    After relocating to be with my mother who was ill, she died within 2 months of my quitting a job and moving to a new area. When my mother died I let food be my comfort and almost reached 300. But I quickly got a job, and have tried to lose the weight. I managed to lose about 50 lbs. I've kept it off over the last several years.

    Over the summer I lost another loved one within 30 days of his diagnosis and with eating out and the grieving process after his passing AND the holidays - I was horrified to look at the scale. I did and am shocked to see I've gained 20 lbs. I am up to 260. I must stop this destructive pattern and get back to good health. So here I go WW, no plan other than MFP and what I've learned over 30 + years of yo-yo diet tries. Just smaller portions, and counting calories with exercise. I know WHAT to do, I just need to do it AND stick with it. Looking foward to feeling better due to the better habits that I will be using. Thanks for listening....
  • Tansy98
    Tansy98 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I'm Tansy and I'm from Perth, Western Australia. I'm 43 and have been a single mum to my 3 awesome kids for the last 10 years - my main priorities until now have been in looking after them and rebuilding our broken family, and putting myself through university and starting a new career as a teacher. It's been a long, hard road for us all but we have made it through the tough times together, though now that my kids are getting older (they are 19, 18 and 13 now), I really feel it is time for me to do something for myself and really try hard to shed all the weight that had kept creeping up on me over the years. I am now 110 kg (about 242 pounds) and mainly just want to feel better about myself. I've never joined anything like mfp or a forum before, and am really just hoping to meet some new friends that can motivate and inspire me to keep on with the weight loss journey, and that (hopefully!) I can inspire at some stage as well. :)
  • kaydol1488
    HI my name is Deb, I live in Rhode Island and I'm a 45 yr old woman, who has used to many excuses and let things go to far! Time to take charge and turn my life around and be healthy and happier! I work third shift so my social life is limited and being able to log in here make me feel more connected to the real world. My highest weight was 287, I am currently at 242 but at a stand still.

    I have a very supportive man in my life of 9 years and I would love to be fit and healthy so that we can do more fun active things together, instead of me being to tired or out of breathe! lol I've made up my mind and life is to short to waste on my excuses. Time to get up and move and shed this weight!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, and goodluck to all of us on this journey!!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Cynthia and live in Ohio. I am 41 years old although I really can't figure out how that happened already! Time goes way to fast. My highest weight was 338.3 pounds. :( With last weeks weigh in I was at 293.2 bur I have been sneaking peaks at the scale and this week is going really well LOL My initial goal is 190 so that I can wear the Air Force Blues again. I am a squadron commander for Civil Air Patrol and I would really love to wear the USAF uniform instead of the corporate one. My entire family is involved and I would love to be able to run the mile with my kids and my cadets. I will re-evaluate my goal once I am at 190 but I will probably want to get to 175 again. We will see.

    I have been married for 22 years. We have 4 beautiful daughters. Currently they are 17 and 12 year old twins. My oldest died a little over 4 years ago at the age of 14. She would have been 19 in a few months. She had severe disabilities. I gained a lot of weight over the years from feeding my stress with food, all the horrible hospital food (she was always in the hospital) etc. I put her needs and the needs of my other children and husband so far ahead of my own that I forgot the importance of taking care of me.

    I lost 20 pounds a few years ago and kept it off. Last year I did really well and lost another 40. I kept all 60 off until about fall when I gained some of it back :( The good news is that I was aware of it and caught myself before it got out of control again. I am back on track and headed to goal now.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!

    *** edited to add that I also have PCOS and dealt with the difficulty of trying to get pregnant. I know how hard and stressful that is for those of you going through it right now.
  • campbs01
    campbs01 Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations on starting here. I am just restarting, and can't wait to start posting progress. I will be here for any support you need.
  • campbs01
    campbs01 Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck, we are here with you!!
  • campbs01
    campbs01 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    My name is Shelly, and in my picture I am the one in back, behind the Razor. I have been saying that I am going to start this life journey, and get healthy since I was 16 and started gaining weight. My 33rd birthday is just around the corner and I need to start living my life, not hanging in the shadows.

    I am at a weight of 248 lbs. I have been down to as little as 137lbs at one point in time. I really miss those clothes and the way I felt. I am happily married with 2 wonderful children and I need to start taking care of me. I want to be healthy for my family and for myself.

    I wish everyone here the best of luck in life and the determination they need to continue. We can all do this! I can't wait to hear from all of you out there and I will be here if you need to talk.