Introduce yourself!



  • babyricus
    babyricus Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Ladies. My name is Crystal.I am 5'4" and 230. I have been overweight since the end of college. I have just put on weight overtime and my two pregnancies didnt help. I am a mother of two amazing children, wife to an amazing man, a full time clinical manager for a busy practice, and a nursing student. I have always been able to find an excise to not exercise or to eat something i shouldn't but 2013 is my year. I am taking charge of me so I can be a better role model and a healthier person. I am very happy to find such a great group of women to share my victories and defets with!:wink:
  • Hi. My name is Melissa. I'm 29 years old and I live in Orlando, FL. I've been on my weigh loss journey for about 2 years now. My starting weight was 309. I've had a few slip up's in those 2 years, but i've managed to lose about 106 pounds so far! For now, my goal is to get down to 160 pounds. I'm single & have no children, but i'm pretty sure i'm the best aunt ever ;)
  • tabarilla
    tabarilla Posts: 19 Member
    Hello, I'm Tabitha. I'm a 32-year-old journalist and mother of two living in North Carolina. I've been overweight all my life, but it wasn't until I stopped working on my feet and started going to college, and then working in an office, that I really started to pack on the pounds. I'd never weighed much more than 250, and last March, I was tipping the scales at 365. That was a dark period for me until I decided it was time to change things.

    Over three months last year, I stopped drinking soda, stopped eating fast food, and started walking at least a mile a day. I ended up losing 50 pounds, and I ran (meaning walked) my first 5k on my 32nd birthday, June 9, 2012. After that, I lost my motivation. And now, due to a little project from work and my need to be active again, I'm back at it.

    I'm covering a 15-week weight management program called Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less through the local health department. I decided that since I was going to be in the classes for the articles, I might as well do the class myself. So, my editors gave me a column that I can write every week about my experiences. I wrote my first one on Thursday, and it can be viewed on my blog at .

    I'm hoping that displaying my weight to thousands of people every week will be a motivation. But, just in case I need a little more support, I decided to join this group. I think it takes a special group of women to understand the trials and tribulations of someone trying to lose over 100 pounds. It will be quite a journey. I look forward to talking to you all soon! :)
  • wowie69
    wowie69 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi All! I'm Laura, from Iowa and I'm 43, a married mother of 2. This March we'll celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary. Our boys are 19 and 16.

    I've always been curvier than most because I'm short. At 5'2 and 130# in high school, I was always told I was too heavy for ____(fill in the blank). So I ate and ate and ate to stave off the rejection I felt. After high school I'd blossomed to 210, but then moved out and lost weight, getting down to 140 in a matter of months. Then I met my husband ...and somehow after the 2 boys were born I'd found my way back up to 220. Then suddenly 280 (where I've been most of my 30s and now early 40s). Last July my son was denied leave (he's in the military and we hadn't seen him in 9 months at that point), and I ate and ate and ended up at 304. Now I'm down to 297 just by cutting down on soda. I'm tired of being fat, my knees are killing me and I'm starting to get scared how I'm going to make it another 20 years.

    I have 150% decided to take this seriously. I'm planning to be 20# down by March for my anniversary. My husband is also joining me on this journey, so am glad to have that additional support.

    Excited to get started and for all of us to pull one another along! WE CAN - AND WILL - DO THIS!! :D
  • gregevelyn
    gregevelyn Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Evelyn Anthony
    Where you live: Home is Texas, but currently live and work in Jacksonville Florida
    Age: 41
    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose): I started this journey at 258 on January 16, 2012 and currently have lost 60 pounds. I have been the same weight for about 2 months. I am determined to lose the remaining 40 - 50 lbs by summer 2013.
    Family: I have been married to my wonderful husband Greg for 23 years on 1/20. We have 2 sons- Caleb 22, and Zach 20. We have a gorgeous Grandson Jake who is 15 months old. I am new at MFP. This is my first post and group. I was going to add a before and currrent photo, but I don't know how to add pics. It would not let me copy and paste pic image in this post. Maybe I will figure out soon and post.
  • Bechard05
    Bechard05 Posts: 231
    Where you live
    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose)

    Hello everyone =) My name is Bridgett, I am from Northern Utah, and I am 29 years old. I started MFP in 2011 I did really well and had lost over 140 lbs then 3 weeks after we moved into our first house my son lit it on fire. I was devistated and spiraled into a very deep depression. I completely shut down. I was later diagnosed with Bi Polar depression and have been struggling over the last 6 monthes to get medications and life stable again. I am finally starting to feel small pieces of the old me emerging from the dark. With all the medication changes and such I gained most of my weight back now when I look in the mirror is sickens me and I want it gone! I am feeling stronger and stronger everyday and am ready to start on this journey yet again. I am currently weighing in at 325.4, I am 5 ft 9 in tall and have a very broad build my mother has always called me her football player because my shoulders are so broad lol. I want to get down to 175 atleast if I can go lower I will =) I don't want to be a stick just healthy with energy, but I can't remember the last time I saw the scale below 200. I am very much looking forward to that day. I set mini goals along the way so I don't get so overwhelmed by the large number I must lose. my first mini goal is to get below 200. I am a stay at home mother to 2 wonderful little munchkins a 7 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. I also have the wonderful priviledge to be the host mother to an amazing 16 year old Tiawaneese boy. He is a delight to have in our home and fits into our family as if he has lived here his whole life. He loves the USA and does not want to go back home so hopefully we will have the pleasure of having him in our home for years to come. I also have a VERY large dog his name is Hero and he is an Old World German Shepherd also known as giant german shepherds. He has had the inital K-9 training, but then no departments wanted him because of his extremely large size, no throwing him through a window after a perp lol, he is a 167 lbs of sweet furry love. We also have 6 cats, 5 live outside and call the garage their home and 1 is an indoor outdoor cat his name is Mr. Fat Cat and he is very pampered he stays inside when it's snowy and goes outside when he deems the weather acceptable lol. I am married to a very hard working man and have been for 7 years. He works lots of hours so that I can stay home with our children, he is a good man. I am hoping however that by seeing my changes he will want to make changes himself, his health has been declining and I wish he would do more to take care of himself also. Well anyone feel free to add me. I do my best to get on atleast once everyday. and read through posts. We can and will do this!!!!

    Oh excuse any grammar, spelling, or puncutation mistakes. I may speak english, but I hate the technical parts of it lol
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I have loved reading all about you before posting this. I think we have a group of strong, amazaing, gorgeous women. I am so excited to see where this journey will take us.

    My name is Emily and I live in southern Illinois. I have been married 10 years to my best friend and we have two amazing kiddo's. My drama queen Alex is 7 years old and Jonah my little ball of energy is 2.

    I am most definitely am emotional eater and I can specifically remember that it started when I was about 9 years old and my daddy died. I can remember sneaking sweets and hiding them in my room to munch on them when I got sad. I was always a little chubby, but lost all my weight before starting college. I was in a sorority and was very active in college, so it was not hard to keep the weight off. However, once I graduated and got out into the real world with the stress of working, making ends meet, being in a bad relationship led to falling into the bad habits of my youth.

    So fast forward a decade of mindless munching with my hubby,pregnancy gains, eating my way through work stress, and just general laziness and I am at my highest weight 346 and needing to lose at least 150 pounds. I am tired of being out of shape and unable to do the things I want to do with my kids. I am tired of avoiding the camera everytime it is out. I am just tired of being unhealthy. I want my kids to grow up with a fit mom and a good role model instead of learning all of my bad habits.

    So begins the journey to fitness. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one temptation at a time. It is so worth it!
  • gregevelyn
    gregevelyn Posts: 7 Member
    EvelynBefore_zpsa31d5422.jpg Before
    EvelynCurrent_zps95fcc1a7.jpg Current
  • *Waves* Hi all! I'm Jenn! I'm 21 years old and from WV. I'm 5'4 and starting out at 235. I would loooove to get down to 140/130. I have a three year old son and a (practically, we've been together for 6 years even though we're not married) husband.
  • msjanetcole
    msjanetcole Posts: 31 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm Jan, 58, I'm from San Diego California, but residing in NW Arkansas now. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in September 2008. I was told to lose weight from the 345 pounds I was before surgery and we tried to hold off on the surgery to that end. A month later the cancer had serious escalated, I had only 30 pounds off and the surgery went ahead. I've been stuck since the surgery and only since hearing about MFP have I managed to get back on the road to better health. It's been difficult. Since 1999 I have been working from home, running dozens of websites. Nearly every week since 1999, until recently, I've worked 16-20 hours days, seven days a weekm to make ends meet. That's a lot of time sitting on my buns. Since 2006, I've been raising my youngest grandson, now 6, after his mother, my youngest daughter was in a car accident and received a severe traumatic brain injury. I fought the father, her husband, for custody in court and won. That tells you all need to know about the father. My grandson is severly autistic and I'm homeschooling him since Jan 31, 2011, after he was neglected and abused in a special needs school. He requires non-stop around the clock one-on-one superivsion to keep him safe. His issues are vast and he is above all adorable, sweet and loving. To say there is a lot on my plate is an understatement. It has left me no time for myself. Seven weeks ago, we moved to a smaller community and as luck would have it, there is a private gym with 24/7 keyed entry, only a few blocks from our new home. I enrolled yesterday and am eager to get rolling on exercising. The draw back is the moving killed my back and knees (huge surprise there, eh?) and I've been pretty much stuck in my recliner until the last few days. Having spent every day, all day at my desk since forever, this is a very depressing situation to be in. Fed up, I decided to take action. Hence the club membership and my presence here. My pain level is my strongest motivator, I HAVE GOT TO GET THIS WEIGHT OFF! I'm a diabetic with high blood pressure so creating these menus, given the counts allowed for me in this program are a huge challenge. But, I am up for it. Game on. Let's do this!
  • _Heth_
    _Heth_ Posts: 4
    Hi Ladies, my name's Heather. I'm 44 (turning 45 later this month), and I'm from Melbourne, Australia.

    I'm 5'1", and my starting (also my heaviest) weight is 94kg (207lb) - and I AM going to get myself down to approx 54kg (120lb), give or take a few kg's.

    I met my soulmate late in life, at 39, and we have now been married almost 3 years. We missed our chance for having children, but have 3 gorgeous "Furbabies" (3 cats), who complete our family.

    Reading all your posts makes me feel so privileged to be sharing your journeys with you - you all sound like amazing, strong women. And we have ALL taken the first step by joining MFP.

    I joined the gym just before Christmas, for about the 30th time, but this time I am determined to stick at it. My dodgy knees and shoulder are my reminders that my body is tired of carrying around an extra 75% of weight than it should be.

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all ... one step at a time.

    Heth :flowerforyou:
  • msjanetcole
    msjanetcole Posts: 31 Member
    If we are really going to support each other, let's start by everyone enabling their weight loss ticker on their posts. We then can quickly browse all the members of this elite group in this thread to see who is losing, who needs some extra motivation and encouragement. Yes?
  • TisMissyKIA
    TisMissyKIA Posts: 33 Member
    Name: Missy
    Where you live: Northern California
    Age: 50
    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose): 270/150

    I'm not new to dieting, but most of the crutches I've used in the past to get me over the beginning hump (motivationally speaking) are no longer, due to menopause, available to me. The diet medications via the bariatric doctor I used to work for make me very irritable and angry, so to kick-start the weight loss, I've looked at several different dieting plans and opted to go with the one called the Military Diet. It does look safe (my ob-gyn saw nothing wrong with it provided I follow it to the T) and because it's a 3 days on, 4 days off, something that I feel will keep me motivated and not push me back into the traps of dieting. We'll see how this goes! Has anyone else tried the Military Diet? I've linked to it on the MFP blog entry from today (can you even see that entry?).
  • pitgirl28
    pitgirl28 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Girls!!!

    My name is Jamie and I'm 28 years old from Ephrata, PA. I'm the mother to THREE beautiful children - my oldest daughter is almost 9 and my twins Karleigh and Westin are almost ONE! I'm so blessed to have them in my life! However, I have been heavy my entire life, but what I wouldn't give to be the size I was in H.S. :/ I'm weighing in now at 314lbs and my goal weight is 160lbs. I need to do this for me, but I also need to do this for my kids! I'm blessed to also have a supportive boyfriend by my side that is encouraging me in this journey!!! I'm making a lot of changed in my life and my weight is one of them!!!!!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    Name: Erin
    Where you live: Ontario, Canada
    Age: 22
    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose): not ready to post my weight on here yet, but I want to (am going to!) lose 80lbs first, hoping to lose 120
    I'm 5'7
    Family: Single, no children - just a furry one. :P

    I'm a university student, in my last semester! Graduating in June. I have PCOS.
  • Hey everyone! I'm new to this whole MFP thing, so bear with me! My name is Jamie, I'm 30 and ready to make some changes in my life before it gets any harder! I'm currently weighing in at 259, would love to get to 160-170ish with muscle, but will be happy just to get out of the 200s! My wife and I are doing this together, but I'm looking for some new support and friendly advice on here as well. We all know that spouses say what they have to sometimes ;-) So... feel free to add me as a friend, good luck to everyone on their goals!
  • ireallylikemuffins
    ireallylikemuffins Posts: 72 Member
    Hello! I'm Christina and I live in the south suburbs of Chicago. I'm 23 years old and currently weigh 258.5. My heaviest weight was about 275, and that was all gained only a few months after I graduated from college. For perspective, I had been working out my Sophomore year of college and was down to 210, so the 65 lb gain in two years really freaked me out. I'd be very happy if I could get down to 180 (or a size 14 pant! Haha). Heart problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes all run in my family, so I'd like to try to make myself as unlikely to get any of those as possible. I'd also like to be able to go on an extended biking trip one day, and it's hard to do that when I'm heavy and out of shape (all I got going for me so far is flexibility). :(

    I currently live with my parents, both of whom are type 2 diabetics, so I'm surrounded by sugar-free food that tastes awful to me. I want to eat healthy and be healthy, so I can feel absolutely fabulous. To me, that means more whole grains, fruits, veggies, and organic foods and less stuff that contains stuff whose name I can't pronounce. :)
  • Hello, my name is Debbie and I am from Brazoria, Texas. I joined weight watchers online on Jan 1, 2013. Weigh in is tomorrow. I weigh 245 lbs. I am trying MFP. So far love it. Just new and not for sure how to respond and get friends. I am married to the same man for 36 years. Have 5 grandbabies (5-14 ages). I am a Salon Manager. I have been heavy ever since I was 13. Sometimes I just ignore it and pretend it is not effecting me. I did get to 290 lbs a few years ago and I lost to 231 and just got lazy and fell off the wagon (again!!) I am so tired all the time and out of breath. This group sounds perfect for me. Would love to get to know each of you better. Thanks.
  • Hi! I'm Sarah. I'm a wife and mother of 2 beautiful children. I live in Texas were there's a fast food restaurant on every block. I weigh about 265 right now and hope to ultimately be down to 140. My current goal is to lose 20 lbs before my husband and I take vacation for a concert on February 16th. I want to lose 45-50 lbs by my 32nd birthday on April 16th. I'm going to the gym as often as possible, trying to do it daily, but not always possible with sick kids and a full schedule.

    My downfall is I'm an emotional eater and I have major depressive disorder. I was on medication not too long ago that caused me to be so painfully hungry all the time that I ended up gaining the bulk of my weight during that time. After I got off the meds, I had gained so much, I just gave up for a little bit. I resigned myself to an unhealthy life.

    Everything changed when I realized my children were getting old enough to be paying attention to how big I got. My son notices I'm not as thin as his friends' mothers and I lack the energy and motivation to keep up with a 5 year old and 2 year old. I'm so sick of not being able to be a good mom because of my weight.

    I know we can all do this if we just put our minds to it and DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!!! This is a daily struggle and with encouragement and love from people going through the same thing we are, it WILL WORK!

    Keep it up, friends! WE will beat this!
  • Name - KathyJo
    Where you live - North Carolina
    Age - 39

    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose) - Starting Weight this time was 303 (ARGH!) I've never been over 300 lbs. until now and I'm really feeling the Health effects from the weight! Overall, my goal is to weight at least 175 lbs. Motivation right now ~ My 40th birthday is nearing quickly and after looking at this past Christmas pics, I was disgusted with myself. I don't want my big birthday bash pics to look just as awful. Also, I'm planning a cruise for Feb 2014 and hope to be at least 70 lbs lighter by then. (More would be great!)

    Family - Married for almost 12 yrs to a loving, supportive husband. (Jan 20 will be 12 yrs), we have been together for 14.5 yrs and I have 3 children. (21 daughter, 19 stepson, 11 son)

    I'm getting myself motivated to get up and move at work and at home!