Discussion: What is your biggest struggle?



  • TisMissyKIA
    TisMissyKIA Posts: 33 Member
    Eating breakfast.

    Dead serious. I get up, go for the coffee, get writing (cuz that's what I do) and before I know it, I'm about ready to pass out and it's well after lunch time. It's the absolute worst feeling in the world because I get to thinking I've shot it for the day, why not go hog wild, satiate the hunger, and get back to work until it's dinner time. Such a downward trend.

    I've finally gotten wise and set up my breakfast the night before so it can easily be assembled while the coffee is brewing. Next up will be dealing with the chocolate/sugary stuff. As long as I don't let on to my husband that I'm dieting, I'm good; but as soon as I do, there seems to be a bit of sabotaging that goes on and suddenly donuts come home, pies are added to the dinner menu, ice cream is stocked in the freezer. He doesn't seem to get that I have absolutely no desire to train another man, I won't leave him when I lose the weight. You'd think after nearly 20 years of marriage and several yo-yo slides on the scales, he'd get that.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I have a hard time with breakfast too. I don't care for most healthy breakfast foods, and the ones I like aren't good choices (donuts, cinamaon rolls, etc.)

    My dietician reminded me that I don't need to think about it as breakfast food. If it's healthy for dinner, I can eat it for breakfast.

    I've actually done a good job of eating breakfast every day for about 2 weeks.
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    For those of you trying to kick a Pepsi (soda, pop, coke, whatever you call it!!).... How do you deal with the caffiene issue? I had my last Pepsi on New Years Eve, but yesterday I had a terrible migraine. After taking a Vicadin and sleeping for a while, my head was still hurting. I decided to have a Pepsi so the caffiiene would help. (Opens up the blood vessels). It wasn't until last night that I thought about it and realized the headache could have been the caffiene withdrawls.

    I went from a big Pepsi habit (I'd fill up my 64 ounce--mostly ice, but at least half Pepsi--2 or three times a day) to trying to only do one a week. I wonder if I should do a can (12 ounces) every day this week. And then try every other day. Or should I just go cold turkey and put up with the headache?!?

    I have been drinking unsweetened tea with splenda and weaning myself back on the splenda. It still has caffeine but it's been a good transition drink from soda for me.
  • wowie69
    wowie69 Posts: 44 Member
    My brain and it's niggling voice telling me, "Hey! There's _____ in the fridge/pantry waiting...wouldn't that be YUMMY right now!?" and it's also the voice that tells me, "Ugh...exercise? Gross. You'll sweat and then be tired and your heart will be racing out of control, just sit and watch TV, oooooh...and there's _____ in the fridge/pantry waiting..."


    SO - my plan is to treat it like it's a parent and I'm a teen. I'm ignoring it or doing the opposite of what it tells me. So far, so good!
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    My brain and it's niggling voice telling me, "Hey! There's _____ in the fridge/pantry waiting...wouldn't that be YUMMY right now!?" and it's also the voice that tells me, "Ugh...exercise? Gross. You'll sweat and then be tired and your heart will be racing out of control, just sit and watch TV, oooooh...and there's _____ in the fridge/pantry waiting..."


    SO - my plan is to treat it like it's a parent and I'm a teen. I'm ignoring it or doing the opposite of what it tells me. So far, so good!

    Love this!! :laugh:
  • cielbee
    cielbee Posts: 62
    Keeping up with exercise. I've gained most of my weight right after I stopped a regular exercise routine. My eating has always been much less of a problem.
  • ireallylikemuffins
    ireallylikemuffins Posts: 72 Member
    Exercise! I try to do little bursts (5-10 minutes, 2 or 3 sets) of exercise a few times a day, but sometimes I skip it and end up not doing any exercise at all for the entire day...and then those days build up. :(

    And portion control when it comes to my favorite foods. Mainly PIZZA. I love pizza (this is an understatement), and I could eat a large pizza by myself if I wanted. So resisting the urge to eat an entire frozen pizza by myself is hard. So I'm going to try taking 2 pieces, a fruit cup or veggie+dip, and running into another room without looking at the other 6 pieces waiting for me. I'll let you all know if that works!
  • msjanetcole
    msjanetcole Posts: 31 Member
    I'm eating everything, no real sacrifice. The total focus is on portion control. It's the only long term solution. Otherwise, evenly you'll cave in to those things crave. This is a new approach for me. Typically, I "diet". This is not a diet. The app allows me to plan meals, stay within the prescribed guidelines of my meal planning without over-indulging. I will never "diet" again.