Wheat Free Life Style Change

Day 3 it is going better than I thought. Eating whole foods and enjoying wine, nuts, fruit and chocolate. The Cravings for bread isn't to bad. So far so good. Anyone else trying this life changing way of enjoying food.


  • itsmeveve
    I didn't seem to have bad withdrawals from wheat. I have noticed I don't crave anything between meals. I feel satisfied. Congrats on your day 3!
  • AuroraAngelic
    AuroraAngelic Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you your post. I was very surprized that the cravings are at all time low. You are correct about inbetween eating I am not even eating my allotted 1500 calories daily. How long have you been wheart free? Good luck to you as well.
  • itsmeveve
    I went wheat free last Sep. I am having trouble keeping up with my 1200 calories a day!
  • Purplefishie
    Purplefishie Posts: 16 Member
    I'm trying to reduce my wheat intake, and I'm only a few days in but I find that I am absolutely starving, even though I'm eating high protein foods. I hope its just a withdrawal symptom, and things will settle down.
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    Day 2 - I need to get to the grocery store. I have limited choices in my house right now. I have not thrown out everything because I have others in the house who need to eat and I cannot afford to restock the entire pantry at this time, but for myself I need to get the foods I can have. It will be a gradual clearing out of the bad and in with the good. However, I did order almond flour and coconut flour as well as cookbooks so I can learn how to make new foods. Also I ordered some shirataki noodles just to see if I (and the kids) like them before I go whole hog!
    I actually wanted to get out of bed this morning! No lying in, thinking about how long I could stay in bed before I absolutely had to be up, or making some kind of excuse for not getting up. I also feel I have the energy to go to the store. (Saturday, just the thought of going made me tired!)
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    Purplefishie - :flowerforyou: Adding fats will control the hunger.