Day 4 - Priorities & Motto

Day 4 - Priorities & Motto

Today I want you all to develop a list of your top 3 priorities in your life right now. Sometimes we don't even think about this stuff. So really think about it. What is it that you put first in your life? Second? And third? Are you prioritizing you anywhere in there?

In your journey to be fit, you HAVE to be a little selfish. Why? Because you won't achieve your goal if you're not. You cannot let anyone deter you away from you. You have to dedicate yourself to YOURSELF! So I ask you? Are you making yourself a priority in your life?

I follow a LOT of fitsperation on instagram and it really keeps me going. I saw this one post about fitness being "earned not given" and that's been my motto ever since. There are the few blessed folks out there who don't have to do much work to have a fit looking body, but most of the time fitness is EARNED not GIVEN!

What are your top 3 priorities in life right now? Create a list and share with us all.

Also, what is your motto in your journey to become healthy and fit?




  • Priorities:
    1. Finish my PhD
    2. Be the best person I can be
    3. Get fit

    There are NO POINTS for second place!
  • My priorities right now are:

    1. Losing weight and overcoming my relationship with food
    2. I have two events that I'm planning one this month and one next that I want to be successful
    3. Have success in my new job.

    I hadn't thought too much about a motto but I think I'd have to say "Just Do It" like the Nike slogan because the hardest thing for me is establishing a schedule and sticking to it. From that respect, I can be all over the place and into working out for a week or so then falling off for a long period of time because of excuses or allowing my health goal to lose priority. Definitely trying to make it become a habit again.