Need some support

Hello i am new to paleo and I could really sue some support. I have been trying to keep my diet clean for awhile now but as a mother of two, student, employee, and wife I struggle. I could use some helpful tips and hints if you have them and some friends also to be on this journey with me. Thanks you everyone in advance!


  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome to the group!
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Hi! Welcome to the group!

    I'd suggest starting off slowly. As a mom I found that if I slowly changed the diet then the kids were more willing to go along with it. I still keep things in our pantry just for them, but I'm able to adjust my recipes and make things that are more Paleo friendly to my way of eating.

    Best wishes for you! We're here for you ;-)
  • 33runnergirl
    33runnergirl Posts: 80 Member
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    starting slow is definitely the way to go, my hubby still isn't Paleo 100% (i can't figure out anything he'll eat for lunch that isn't put between 2 slices of bread). I do things like when I make mashed potatoes for him, I'll make mashed cauliflower for myself. It's not a perfect substitute, but it's close enough so I don't want any of the potatoes, and BONUS, I get another serving of veggies :D But I do have him try all my recipes, some he really likes, some (like the mashed cauliflower) he doesn't like so much. If you check out all the Paleo/Primal websites and get some recipe ideas it'll help you try to incorporate foods (like the Paleo treats) that your kids will like into their diets. I am definitely grateful I discovered this way of eating before having kids, I can't imagine how hard it would be to try and change your kids diets. I did an experiment at my Christmas Eve feast, where every recipe I made was completely Paleo compliant.. from the appetizers to desserts (pumpkin pie, crustless cheesecake and chocolate mousse). I didn't tell ANYONE until after we were finished eating, and after they all told me that the pumpkin pie was the best they had ever eaten, and the prime rib and crab legs were absolutely incredible... everyone was impressed and understood that I'm not deprived in my lifestyle choices, I just have to get a little creative sometimes!

    PS- I realize cheesecake is more Primal than Paleo, but it was AWESOME!