NROL and C25K question... your opinions please

Hi All,

I'm looking for some advice.

I'm currently scared ****less by the reading of New Rules of Lifting for Women. Definitely need to make an appointment with someone at the gym to show me how to not hurt myself and explain what the exercises mean. But I figure at 38, this is the time to FINALLY build some bone density before I start losing it.

I also know that I rather suck at running. I would like to increase my cardiovascular health enough to comfortably run a mile or more. It seems like couch to 5K is the way to go for me. I tried one last year, but lost my motivation at about week 3. I have some thoughts about how to prevent that from happening now.

Here's my question... Will I be "overtraining" if I am doing NROL4W and C25K at the same time? Should I *not* do C25K on my "rest" days from lifting?

What order should I start these programs in?

Thanks for your thoughts.


  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I was thinking about startin C25K along with NROL4W.
    I did complete C25K last year, but then stopped. I always had pain in my hip after runningI would like to do it again and hopefully now I am fitter and stronger, the pain will not return.

    I am interested in the feedback and advice regarding overtraining too.
    Good luck
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Good question. I posed a similar question to the larger MFP community but didn't get much feedback. So I'm kind of playing it by ear right now. I changed my lifting routine to 2 days/week and have been running 3 days/week. I can't seems to fall into a good routine though. My exercise scheule changes each week.

    I think it's doable to do both, but you have to really think about your goals. For running, you will need more carbs. For lifting, more protein. My goal from the start with lifting has been to maintain muscle mass while losing fat.

    I'm 42 and I know myself: I do NOT want to exercise 6-7 days/week, so I make it work with exercising usually 4 days/week. On one of my lift days, I usually run right after (either HIIT or a short 2-3 mile run). So for example, I might lift on Monday and Wednesday, run on Tuesday and Wednesday and then do a long run on Saturday. I probably should techically be running 1 more day/week, but for now I'm fine with that very loose schedule.

    Anxious to hear other feedback...
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I guess it really depends on what you want to accomplish,

    I know that is a cut and paste answer but it really is true, I love running did C25K a few years ago and fell in love with it, I have been running ever since. However it is not giving the body composition that I desire, so on to lifting for me. I JUST started NROLF4W, and can say that as much as I would love to go for a run, my legs are pretty sore, settled for a family walk yesterday instead. It sounds like you have an idea of why you were unable to finish C25K the last time, was it overtraining and burn out? Doing both right off the bat may result in burning out, but incorperating running into your program later on wont hurt. The book incorperates a little running with intervals a few stages.

    Listen to your body, if you feel good enough to start running right off the bat then I say giver. I would like to say I can, but for some reason Lunges KILL my legs and they need that rest day.
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    I'm doing both (I'll send you a FR). I count C25K as my "intervals" that he speaks of. On non-work days I do it before the lifting, on work days it's a little more intermittent. I'm chugging along and repeating week 3 a bit. It's mental for me. I was thinner when I ran but I loathed every minute. I wish I loved running. I work out about 6 days a week and I love it. I have a wacky work schedule, so I work out harder when I'm off then when I'm on.

    I'd like a 5K to goal towards. I've been looking around, but they all seem to fall on the weekends I'm working so far. I'm planning mid-April for now.

  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Thanks for the input!

    I'm used to walking 30-60 minutes most days of the week because I have a lovely dog who needs it.

    I guess the only way to really know is to try it and see what my body says.
  • I'm starting NROL today and come spring, I will be adding C25k (determined to complete it this time). Not sure of exactly when I'll be doing it but on off days (and maybe one on the same day as lifting) but I;ll figure it out then.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    I was thinking about startin C25K along with NROL4W.
    I did complete C25K last year, but then stopped. I always had pain in my hip after runningI would like to do it again and hopefully now I am fitter and stronger, the pain will not return.

    I am interested in the feedback and advice regarding overtraining too.
    Good luck

    Ha Ditto! I was thinking of NROL4W Sunday, Tues, Thurs, and C25k Mon, Wed, Thurs.

    Will have to read the rest of this thread and see what people think!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I would listen to your body. If it becomes too much, stop.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 574 Member
    I'm going to do both. Mon, Wed, Fri -- Lift. Tues, Thurs, Sun -- run. I've done it before with good success before I fell into a funk and quit exercising.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Am having a technical glitch downloading the couch to 5K for Zombies, Run!
    Putting a solution to that on my to do list.

    I emailed someone at my local Y (its a HUGE benefit for me to get a free membership there because of my work) to find out who can show me how to safely use the equipment.