Day 1 - Combat 30

telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
Good morning Gang. Happy day 1 of our Combat challenge. How did today's workout go for you? Please post your thoughts, questions, challenges AND (if you want) your starting stats. Also try to track your eating in your MFP food diary and make it available to the public if you're interested in commentary from the group.

My stats:

SW: 178.1
Chest: 39
Waist: 37
Hips: 43

Today's workout - DONE!

Have a great day!


  • drlaurafsu
    drlaurafsu Posts: 45 Member
    Good morning!
    I'll have to check at home for my stats. I know SW is 200.2.

    I am happy to say I managed to get up at 5am to do my workout. Glad to have it done. I think I need to slow down and try for better form. I will say that was easier to do with Insanity because there was just no way for me to keep up with them. But with this they are just a tad faster (and of course with much better form) so its hard for me to slow myself down and focus on form. But in the end I know that's the most important thing is concentrating on form.

    Going to be interesting working early morning workout into my routine...but that's my goal. It usually goes so much better for me when I do.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Proud of you for making a positive change this morning Laura! Even if you forget to post your starting stats, make sure you take measurements and write them down somewhere so you know where you started and can compare to your day 60 final results. WTG on completing day 1! :bigsmile:
  • JustAGirlyGeek
    JustAGirlyGeek Posts: 149 Member
    I was up at 5:30 and did the Basic and Combat 30. I LOVED it. I have to check my measurements tonight but SW is 155.6. Enjoy everyone!!! This was worth the wait!
  • OK SW - 162 lb
    Measurements (cms in brackets)
    Arm 12.5 (32)
    Chest 38 (96)
    Waist 20.5 (52)
    Hips 41.3 (105)
    Leg 24.5 (59.5)

    Loved Combat 30 - permitted myself the music louder option today and it was so much more fun! On the downside went to order some Shakeology only to find it unavailable in the UK and no handy relative on their way! :(

    Oh well - I am loving the workouts!!!
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Looks like everyone is off to a good start! I got my Combat 30 workout done this morning, too. I'm hoping once I get the routine nailed, I'll get a bigger burn. I burned 262 cals just flailing, so it's all good! :tongue:

    Here are my starting stats:
    weight: 156.5 lb
    chest: 41 in
    arms: 12 in
    waist: 39 in
    hips: 42 in
    thighs: 22.5 in

    I don't want to make my diary public, but I am more than willing to accept friends so you can see what I'm eating. Just add me and if you wouldn't mind throw a "Combat" in the request, so I don't accidentally ignore you.

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    You all sound like day 1 was a success. WTG! Just think how much stronger, more agile, and coordinated we'll all be when day 60 rolls around! Don't forget to take starting pictures. You don't have to post them but you'll thank me when we get to the end and you have a visual reminder of where you started.

    Bummer about the Shakeology Corinne. Beachbody hasn't received approval yet from your government to ship Shakeology because it's considered a food substance and guidelines for importing are stringent. I know they're continuing to work on it though.
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    I did day 1 & 2 of Combat last night the hybrid workout! Combat 30 and HIIT Power! Loved it!!! I don't have my stats with me...but will get them up there. We should have them in a seperate thread for continuity.

    Day two today, will be HIIT Power Inner Warrior and possibly I'll add a day three workout!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Keep up the great work!
  • cmkell87
    cmkell87 Posts: 43 Member
    Sorry for writing this, this morning. I completed Combat 30 last evening around 7pm.
    My starting weight is 176, I will post the my measurments tonight!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,503 Member
    I wasn't able to post yesterday, but I did get Combat 30 finished after work. I used my 1lb weighted gloves, and will be doing that for the whole 60 day rotation. Sure adds a little more to the workout for me. My butt is sore this morning, so I think doing over 300 kicks will help lift that part. :laugh: Will post my stats, I did write them all down.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nice job Ladies and I appreciate you stopping by at this time to post your comments. This group shouldn't feel like a chore so if you don't post comments every day don't worry about it. I know sometimes life gets in the way of things. As long as you keep up with your workouts and participate when you're able, I'm satisfied! :heart: