Chalean extreme week 2

haleybugg Posts: 6 Member
hi everyone,
This is my second day of week 2! Im loving it... If your doing chalean add me so we can motivate each other! How is everyone else liking it?


  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Hi! I am in week #2 of the Lean phase. I really like Chalean Extreme so far. The first month was my least favorite, maybe just because I was stronger for the Push phase and now the Lean phase so just enjoy it more! :)
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I'm also in week 2 - I did the program before last year and really loved it... I just got busy and stopped and all the progress went away.

    I love that even in week 2 I can start to feel my muscles. I can't see them yet, of course, but I can feel them!

    Someone told me that after 4 weeks you'll notice a change, after 6 weeks, others will notice. we just have to keep going!
  • swright920
    swright920 Posts: 10 Member
    I'll be starting week 2 tomorrow! I had actually bought the program last spring and did had a couple of times of starting it but not sticking with it due to life getting in the way. It is a great program and I really am hoping to stick with it this time around!

  • tiffanydawnn
    tiffanydawnn Posts: 122 Member
    I am on Week 1... Burn 3 today. I have had a cold the past few days but I feel like I can get back into the groove.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    how is week 2 treating everyone? I feel amazing. I can't believe I can already feel (although I can't see) my biceps!!! burn intervals tomorrow.... they ALWAYS kick my butt.