Daily (or Weekly) Check In



  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I did good yesterday. . I came home from work and got all screwed up on my timing and showed up an hour early to pick up my kid from gymnastics and it's a 20 minutes drive to my house and so I missed my chance to workout. . right? Well. I sucked it up and drove home, put on my workout clothes, then drove BACK to the his gym and picked him up and went to MY gym (with only a half-hour before the kidz-club closed). . But hey. .I got in a good 30 minutes of lifting (but no time for cardio :( ). .

    Still. . I even did abs! I HATE abs!. .
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    I'm doig good so far this week. I've been getting over 10,000 steps a day and doig an average of 7 minutes of ab workout. I would e doing 10 minutes but something always happens when I'm trying to do it. Drinking a ton more water than I usually do.
  • TheManda27
    TheManda27 Posts: 42 Member
    I have had a bit of a rough start. Came down with strep throat then had to have scopes done.:sick: Due to being sick my calorie intake has been very low dragging down my energy levels. I am back feeling better though and has soon as the energy comes back up I will be back at it! Best of luck to all of you!! :bigsmile:
  • derindamd
    derindamd Posts: 10 Member
    Doing alright myself. I haven't been able to exercise for three days for some reason or another. But I'm finally good for tonight!
  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    Happy Wednesday! Im in CA and it has been a cold one out here...not as cold as other places I'm sure. Good thing I work out home :) Did my workout this morning at 5am and I feel sore which is a good feeling! I hope everyone has a great day!
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member
    well i've been watching what i eat of course and i finally will be back in the gym on the 13th or 14th. haven't been to the gym in like 3 weeks because i am on winter break. but i am excited to go back so i can hit the gym instead of workout dvds.with all that said i lost half a pound this week so not too bad.
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    Hi All!

    I have been doing OK but not GREAT! I started 30 day shred Saturday and did it 3 days in a row, but both my kids got sick on Monday so all my attention has been on them. Today I feel like I am cathcing their flu, but I still hope I can workout, although I am so so soooooo WEAK! Maybe I will just walk the dog!
  • suzan06
    suzan06 Posts: 218 Member
    Doing well overall with food and exercise, but I am failing on the sweets :(

    But even though I have had some, it is still way less than before. So I a, happy about that, but still annoyed with myself.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    I am failing in general this week, got to turn it around and get back in gear....going to walk the dogs to the vet tonight to get myself moving....will be forcing myself out of bed in the morning to get back into my daily runs, up till today was at least going every other day (which is slacking for me) and then I missed this morning.....2 days off in a row :sad: not good for me.

    I will get back in gear and step it up....I can not allow myself to waste all the progress that I have made in the last 6 months!
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    Things are going very well. Had been frustrated as I was sick for the past week and the exercise trick was very limited. Today is the first day back full strength. Wooohooooo! Hope everyone is doing well.....

  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I am down 2 pounds already feeling great!!!

    Really? That's great!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Good Morning everyone, So far this week I have been doing well I have excerise everyday and I am slowly getting my water intake up I am trying to get in 100 oz a day and right now I am around 60 oz a day hope by next week I am drinking 100 oz a day. I think it helped my to make a plan for what to cook for dinner each night and for the most part I have stuck with it only changed last night sincemy daughter had ringette practice and I had to feed her and her brother early. Luckily I had some homemade spagetti sauce at home so we still had a nutrious meal.

    That's what I do, I make a plan every night for what I'm going to cook the following day. It has been helping so much.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I did good yesterday. . I came home from work and got all screwed up on my timing and showed up an hour early to pick up my kid from gymnastics and it's a 20 minutes drive to my house and so I missed my chance to workout. . right? Well. I sucked it up and drove home, put on my workout clothes, then drove BACK to the his gym and picked him up and went to MY gym (with only a half-hour before the kidz-club closed). . But hey. .I got in a good 30 minutes of lifting (but no time for cardio :( ). .

    Still. . I even did abs! I HATE abs!. .

    Wow! Talk about determination! I'm very proud of you.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Word of advice. Eat BEFORE you go to the grocery! lol.. .

    Good advice :)
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I haven't gotten back into exercising yet but FIINALLY am doing my best to plan ahead and log all my foods...so I'm happy that I'm on the right track
  • BlestLiz
    I've worked out 6 days in a row, makes a big difference not dreading the workout. I absolutely love turbo fire! I've done a horrible job eating today, but have tracked honestly for over a week. I'm proud of myself for not having a soda, and I almost gave in yesterday, but I knew the guilt would consume me over it bringing me greater joy.

    So, I'm not doing too bad. Starting week 2 of chalean extreme/turbo fire hybrid. I had an initial weight gain, but drinking more water.
  • shamrockit
    shamrockit Posts: 40 Member
    Going well so far this week...I have focused on healthier eating (having a plan and being prepared). I hope to start incorporating exercise next week. I only weigh on Mondays so I don't have the numbers but I think I will be down. Good luck!
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Today was a good day for me..
    knocked out a monster workout.
    im getting all my water in. (a daily struggle)
    eating pretty "clean".
    no sugar (per challenge)

    grocery shopped after the gym.
    i was whining in my head the whole time about how sore i was.
    im quite good at it.
    so good, in fact, i wondering what the calorie burn was for hypercritical thinking & constant complaining.
    then at the check-out the woman behind me put a pack of 'Poise' pads on the belt.
    then i realized i have a lot to be thankful for... at least im not peeing my pants.
    its the little things. =)

    i have yet to complete my fab-abs challenge.
    its on the list. it'll get done.
    additionally im going to make some kale chips (for the first time) and see what the buzz is all about.
  • raven23uk
    raven23uk Posts: 528 Member
    Today was a bad day for me. Didn't exercise, went over my cals and didn't drink my water. Booo hoooo.
    But back on it tomorrow.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Today was a bad day for me. Didn't exercise, went over my cals and didn't drink my water. Booo hoooo.
    But back on it tomorrow.

    That's the spirit!