Week 1 Jan 7-11 Weigh in

mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
How did everyone do their first week? Me it was back and forth, but I think I found my new groove and I am stickin to it. I weigh in on Fridays so I will post my Week 1 weight there! This week will kick off our mini challenge. drum roll please.......

Drink 64 oz of water or more each day unitl next weigh in..........

Input your scale and non scale victories here and let us know any secrets you may have to getting through the week.

Looking forward to seeing everyone update us.....

Ready Set Go!


  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    I lost 1.8 lbs this week, I also bought Chia Seeds to add to my water 15 minutes before I eat. I notice I eat less because of it too. Add Chia Seeds to your daily diet.
  • Time2LightenUp
    I am the same as I have been for Months now! :( I am hoping for change soon tho.
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    I've been frustrated recently because I finally reached that legendary plateau after 30 lbs. It sucks that I hit that just as I started in my first couple of challenges>.< but I an still sticking to my diet and exercise, and hope the results of my work will show up in the next couple of weeks.

    Just to boost my motivation, i pulled out my gym assessment from back in July and did my current measurements: since July I've lost more than 5 inches off my hips and 7 inches off my waist! That made me feel really good, so I'm pumped to keep going now!

    I'll submit my week one weigh in on Friday; hopefully I'll have seen some results by then! !
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    I am the same as I have been for Months now! :( I am hoping for change soon tho.

    No worries girl! I am a little over my lowest weight and just under my starting weight for the challenge (.4) but I know I just have to keep at it and I will be back into it. I am already starting to feel healhier and want to be more active and actually work out! So that has got to be something good right! 1 thing that keeps me going is having a goal. That is why I weigh in on Fridays. I f I can be good Monday through Thursday and be less than what I was the prev Friday I can have a delicous treat that day...... It works pretty much each week and with the holidays and sickness we had I lost site of my normal routine, so this week I am going to see if I can get back to that and also drink nothing but juice and water and (1) cup of coffee all day. So far I have had 2...... Tomorrow is a new day!
  • shaidian
    I lost 2.6lbs last week, am on track with my eating but not so motivated to work out :(. My plan for this week is to drink 8oz of water 30mins before each meal ( usually eat 5/6 meals a day) hopefully this help me get fuller faster. I am also gonna try and workout for 30mins 4 days out of the week.
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    I've been frustrated recently because I finally reached that legendary plateau after 30 lbs. It sucks that I hit that just as I started in my first couple of challenges>.< but I an still sticking to my diet and exercise, and hope the results of my work will show up in the next couple of weeks.

    Just to boost my motivation, i pulled out my gym assessment from back in July and did my current measurements: since July I've lost more than 5 inches off my hips and 7 inches off my waist! That made me feel really good, so I'm pumped to keep going now!

    I'll submit my week one weigh in on Friday; hopefully I'll have seen some results by then! !

    I love your attitude..... alot like mine right now. I finally reached my lowest weight yet (since 2006) and then I have slowly krept on 3 lb or so and just keep going up and down..... really looking forward to seeing some unfamiliar numbers again..... I weight Friday and I am hoping to see something in the 250 range and begone completely of the 260's!

    Good luck! We can do this!
  • grmpsbabygrl
    grmpsbabygrl Posts: 24 Member
    lost 4 pounds, was 225, now i'm 221. woohoo
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    lost 4 pounds, was 225, now i'm 221. woohoo

    Nice Way to go Girl! Such an inspiration....... I needed that.
  • rphkenny
    rphkenny Posts: 4 Member
    Lost 4 pounds. Wanted more, but trainer said I'm building muscle. Will continue on !
  • tls723
    tls723 Posts: 14
    Stayed the same here... but that isn't unusual for me. I made mostly good choices, and I know if I keep it up, the weight will start coming off! Hopefully next week I will have a better answer!
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    Great job! Measurements really do matter!
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    Oops! Should have hit "quote." the above message was for tls723. Great job to all of you who've lost weight! I'll share my update later after I've weighed in.
  • LadyMud17
    LadyMud17 Posts: 193 Member
    Lost 2lbs,, but I did have an aniversary dinner this past weekend, so we will see what this coming week looks like. I am also trying fasting 1 to 2 days a week for health reason. I will let you know how it works :)
  • Jarice12
    Jarice12 Posts: 135 Member
    Last week was not too good for me. I was so stressed and made some bad choices. Right now I'm trying to regroup and get back into it. I plan on purchasing a new workout vid to start this week. I think I'm just bored with my latin dance/jillian micheals routine. Time to switch it up!
  • Jarice12
    Jarice12 Posts: 135 Member
    Last week was not too good for me. I was so stressed and made some bad choices. Right now I'm trying to regroup and get back into it. I plan on purchasing a new workout vid to start this week. I think I'm just bored with my latin dance/jillian micheals routine. Time to switch it up!

    Also, has anyone tried the special k challenge?
  • wheretheresawilltheresaway4
    Hi Ladies,

    I did not weigh myself last week. So since my first weigh in (Dec.26) I lost 6-7 lbs. These have been some difficult weeks because I have had a cold off and on, so I have not been able to exercise as much as I would like, but I continued to monitor my calorie intake which has benefited me.

    Good Luck everyone :)
  • Time2LightenUp
    Lost 4 pounds. Wanted more, but trainer said I'm building muscle. Will continue on !

    That is great!!! Awesome job!! :)
  • wheretheresawilltheresaway4

    I haven't tried the challenge recently, but I did it around 6 years ago and It did help me and some of my friends to to lose weight. I think it is good challenge, it helps you monitor the foods you eat because you only have to pay attention to one meal. My suggestion would be to purchase my than one cereal flavor and take advantage of their snacks and protein drinks so you will not become bored with the cereal.
  • wheretheresawilltheresaway4
    Last week was not too good for me. I was so stressed and made some bad choices. Right now I'm trying to regroup and get back into it. I plan on purchasing a new workout vid to start this week. I think I'm just bored with my latin dance/jillian micheals routine. Time to switch it up!

    Also, has anyone tried the special k challenge?


    I haven't tried the challenge recently, but I did it around 6 years ago and It did help me and some of my friends to to lose weight. I think it is good challenge, it helps you monitor the foods you eat because you only have to pay attention to one meal. My suggestion would be to purchase my than one cereal flavor and take advantage of their snacks and protein drinks so you will not become bored with the cereal.
  • meginki
    meginki Posts: 70
    I've also stayed the same this week (181). That's quite usual for me when I start up with the gym again after a little while. I have a NSV though; I discovered I can flex a little bit of muscle now ;)