Due September 2013

kimf412 Posts: 28 Member
I could use some pregnant friends. I plan on being healthy through this pregnancy.


  • bella692
    bella692 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also due in early September 2013 with my very first. I've been on MFP for a while, but really want to stay focused on being healthy. Any advice on staying healthy and exercising throughout your pregnancy?

    And congrats kimf412!! Anyone else due in September 2013?
  • Hi kim & bella I'm due on 2nd September :)

    Congrats to you both x
  • toonces80
    toonces80 Posts: 23 Member
    I just found out last night and confirmed this morning that I'm pregnant with my 3rd.

    I'm due around 9/9
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Hi my name is Hanna, have been waiting a while for a Sept 2013 group to start :)

    Lets get our dates down...

    Kimf412 - Sept -
    VickyClare75 - 2nd Sept -
    Pukenui - 5th Sept - (Hanna)
    toonces80 - 9th Sept -
    Bella692 - Early Sept

    What are your goals during pregnancy? Mine is to lose weight very slowly during the first trimester, with the guidance of a pregnancy dietician. I was getting into the swing of weight loss and was having great results when i found out i was pregnant, so want to keep it up, at a healthy rate of course!!!

    Congratulations everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • toonces80
    toonces80 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks! Congrats to everyone too!

    I too was in the swing of things, weight loss wise. I was hoping to hit under 200lbs before I got pregnant but it didn't happen. I want to maintain, maybe lose a few during the trimester. Then maintain/gain no more than 11lbs through delivery.

    And, more importantly, I want to keep exercising. I just did my first half marathon on Dec 23rd and did awesome. I don't want to lose that. So, keep running, lifting and doing Zumba. As time goes, I'll need to taper down a bit but I want to keep moving until this baby arrives.
  • AmberLoYo
    AmberLoYo Posts: 11 Member
    I just found out 3 days ago im pregnant with my first... I have 4 year old step son but my first biological baby. im due the sept.11 for now. I have my first apt this thursday so that may change. please add me. I could use all the support I can get... I want to keep my weight gain to a min no more that 10-15 lbs hopefully
  • kimf412
    kimf412 Posts: 28 Member
    I am due September 16th, this will be my second baby, my son is 2. I wouldn't be sad if I lost a little in the beginning and then maintained, I have enough weight on me, but I know my body will do what it wants. So I plan to take care of myself, eat enough but healthy and stay active. This time around I have a toddler to chase after :tongue:

    Congrats girls :happy:
  • MommaSchwag
    MommaSchwag Posts: 81 Member
    Just want to say hi and congrats to everyone! I am pregnant with my 2nd and am due on Sep. 3. Although, they are still not quite sure of the due date, an ultrasound in 1-2 weeks will give us a more accurate due date.

    I am a marathon runner and have lost almost 60 pounds. My BMI is currently 24 which puts me in the healthy range, the dr said I should gain between 25-35 pounds. I gained 50+ with my first and want to do this much better this time around. I am looking forward to eating healthy, and staying active during this pregnancy. I am also a server, so I am on my feet alot for work, and I have a 4 year old to keep up with. I'm so excited about this new chapter of my life and would love to help support and receive support from all you new mommas.

    Congrats again to everyone and I look forward to getting to know you all better! :heart:

    ps-feel free to friend request me!
  • MAT221
    MAT221 Posts: 5
    Yay! SO glad to find some many ladies due in September! I am due (with my first) around September 17, 2013 also. I hit my goal weight around 2 years ago right before I got married. Since, I have gained about 15-20 back. I really want to make sure I am as healthy as possible during my pregnancy. I am curious as to what is a healthy calorie count for the 1st trimester? I know you add to it as you get into the 2nd and 3rd, but I need help figuring out a good place to start! I am mainly tracking my foods for nutrion purposes (vitamins, etc!), but would also like to make sure I am eating an appropriate amount of calories!

    Congrats to everyone!
  • Jillian52
    Jillian52 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm due September 7 with my 3rd! I Lost weight with my first son because I was sick through my entire pregnancy. After giving birth to him, I just kept going and was at a healthy weight when I got pregnant with my second. I only gained 15 during that pregancy, and would like to have a similar weight gain with this one. It's nice to have others around to keep me motivated and accountable!! I'm hoping to skip the morning sickness this time around so that I can keep up my workout routine the whole way through!!
  • Jillian52
    Jillian52 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been eating 1500-1600 a day. That works for me, but I would say to listen to your body. If you are hungry you should eat, but eat something healthy! If only junk sounds good, then you probably aren't really hungry...just wanting to eat.
  • toonces80
    toonces80 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm eating at maintenance level, with is around 2000 calories for my height and weight. I'm still exercising and not eating that back, so I'm actually still working out a deficit. I will add around 300 calories at 13 weeks. My midwife and I will talk about all of this at my first appt.

    The good thing is that something in my head clicks when I'm pregnant. I tend to eat very healthy because I'm not just feeding myself.
  • MAT221
    MAT221 Posts: 5
    I am going for my first appointment on Monday, so I will double check with my doctor! As of right now, I am landing anywhere from 1500-1700. You are so lucky to live in an area where there are midwives available! This my first (and I know it's early!), but I am really wanting to have natural delivery!
  • toonces80
    toonces80 Posts: 23 Member
    Are you ladies cold?

    I'm absolutely miserable. I can't get warm at all. I don't remember this with my other two pregnancies. And I live in Texas, south Texas at that. It isn't exactly Jack Frost like outside.


    How is everyone feeling today?
  • kimf412
    kimf412 Posts: 28 Member
    Haha yes I have a blanket on me at all times, and keep turning up the heat. I feel ok, my stomach hurts and I feel sick everytime I eat. But it doesn't bother me too much. Very tired and some cramping and back pain. All a part of being pregnant :)
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    Due Sept 19!
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Hi everyone. Just found out today that I'm pregnant, and due late September. Calcuator says 24th, but will know a proper date after the first scan. I still have a lot of weight to lose, so am hoping to drop some in the first trimester, and not gain a whole lot later on. I've been pregnant a few times before, and have had a series of miscarriages. So the early stages of pregnancy tends to be a fraught time for me, but I'm trying to think positive, and hope for the best. I'm ready to be a mother!
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Hope every thing goes well for you this time xx
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Thankyou :) Just trying to relax and not overanalyse every little cramp. I know cramping in the early stages is normal, and I know that statistics-wise, there's every reason to beleive this pregnancy will result in a healthy, full-term baby. I just have to eat well, take regular exercise, and do what I can to look after myself and the baby. I'm hoping that because of my history, my ob will do an early scan just to give me some peace of mind.
  • 5one5oh
    5one5oh Posts: 11 Member
    Hello =) I'm due with my 1st Sept 7th, and very surprised and excited! I just got married in June, then had to leave for training from August - Novemeber.
    Any thoughts on protein shakes? That is a huge staple in my diet (breakfast, after workout, and usually one before bed). I did order one that contains no artificial flavors (Dymatize?)
    congratulations to everyone...this is a life changing adventure!