Due September 2013



  • When did you all start getting nausea? I at at 6 weeks with my first and so far just have major bloating (thank you rubber-band trick!) and cramping. The cramping is pretty scary (miscarriage last year at just around 6 weeks), but I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed.

    I have been craving rice-krispie treats like CRAZY though! I haven't had one for years and years... I was a chocolate girl prior to getting pregnant and now I could care less about it. Marshmallows though.. weird!

    Totally feel you on the bloating - I don't remember having this sort of bloating with my first child (back in 2006), but MAN....I was about to call my doctor to confirm I was only 5 weeks (I can't remember when I had my period in Dec.) because my stomach feels like a BALLOON! But it goes away every now and then - only to rear its ugly head again.

    I am having cramping as well. I also don't remember cramping during the first pregnancy (probably because I was in college and I was hoping that every cramp was my period instead of worrying for baby's sake - I thought my parents were gonna kill me). But now, with every cramp - I worry. I am so paranoid (I blame the internet).

    I craved spicy food with my first - esp. hot wings YUM-OH!
  • jessicaw79
    jessicaw79 Posts: 26 Member
    Hiiii there! I just found out I'm pregnant and due Sept 30th...yeah, I found out pretty stinkin early....I just felt off and low and behold...our first month Not trying and bingo! I came on here looking to see if women continued spinning and doing Jillian Michaels videos and found this....awesome!

    Congrats to you all, here's to a happy and healthy nine months!! :)
  • kimf412
    kimf412 Posts: 28 Member
    I had period like cramps the whole first trimester with my first and now having them with this one. All normal :)
  • bella692
    bella692 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy to hear that the period cramps are normal! I've been suffering the past few days and have been worried. I haven't been able to workout at all this week as I am so absolutely exhausted. The bloating is out of control too! My friends and colleagues must think that I'm sneaking pies and cakes.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Hi everyone, I am pregnant with my first child and due September 16th, glad to meet all of you.

    I stopped using this site to lose weight in July last year and have been experimenting with maintenance. Soon I will change my ticker and reflect my healthy gains. I was advised to gain 25-30 pounds. I think I might have already gained 4 I don't know if that is weird.

    I had my first appointment with an ob/gyn yesterday and was relieved to discover that the cramps I was feeling were my uterus expanding and since it has never grown before, that was why I was feeling cramps that I don't feel all the time but when I do feel it, they last a really long time!

    He also said I can continue any exercise I was already doing and there were 2 things I would have to watch later on. At some point I will have to stop bench press because you can't exercise while laying on your back (I think 3rd trimester) and around 28 weeks he said "relaxin" kicks in and I could accidentally pop something out of place.

    What I do for exercise: I love to play catch and softball practice (swinging a bat gives you a great ab workout and I was thrilled to learn it was still acceptable to work out abs while pregnant) and I lift weights. I also mess around with basketball in the winter even though I sort of despise it but I can only shoot hoops no more 1 on 1 or 3 on 3 lol. I just get super bored on cardio machines and love to play sports so that is how i prefer to get my cardio in :)
  • gillythyme
    gillythyme Posts: 51 Member
    Hey there!

    So glad to be part of this group! I am due with baby number two Sept 24!

    I joined this group because during my last pregnancy I gained about 40lb...I know thats not a huge amount but I dont want to repeat the same mistakes this time. It took me until last month to lose all my baby weight (my son is 8 months old). I really want to gain only the necessary weight and eat right and stay fit!!
  • How do you guys find the energy to make it to the gym during the first trimester? I am only able to drag myself to the gym maybe 3 or 4 times a week.
  • Welcome to the new joiners! I have to say, I'm so glad I found this group. I've had constant, low-grade cramps for the last week and a half, and it's very reassuring to learn that I'm not the only one.

    Apart from the cramps, I don't feel too different, actually. One thing I have noticed is that I no longer want coffee. But not wanting coffee doesn't change my long-established chemical dependence on caffeine. So I have to force myself to drink a cup in the morning, or deal with the headache all day if I don't. Should I just cut the coffee, and hope the headaches go away eventually?
  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    I feel the same way about coffee! It was my life-line and now it is totally un-appealing.

    My husband and I started making 50/50 and so far, no headaches. I bring a to-go cup with me in the morning to work and sometimes I don't even finish it.
  • gillythyme
    gillythyme Posts: 51 Member
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    How do you guys find the energy to make it to the gym during the first trimester? I am only able to drag myself to the gym maybe 3 or 4 times a week.

    I make myself. I find its so hard to go but once im at my class and the music starts im off! last night was the first time i felt i had 90% of my energy back and was able to work out properly! So good!!!
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Well we just found out last night.... were expecting again...... I would like to have waited another 6+ months to finish losing weight and was content with what I have but I guess my timing was not in the plan... But this is nice as well as I have a neice who is expecting (she is young and lives close, so it will be nice for her we are 2 weeks ish apart, she does not know yet about me) Also I have a sister in law who is expecting 3 month before me so it will be good for that babies to have lots of family.... my others are not so fortunate......
    So this will be birth number 5 (GASP!!!! trust me I can bearly say it with out laughing or crying) plus I have a 1 bonus that I got when I married my husband.... SO for a total of 6. bahahaha I use to laugh at my sister who wanted 8 and I told her she was crazy..... Well whos the crazy one now.
    I figure my due date is around the 16th as well.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I'm a veggie too and it's important for me personally stay that way during pregnancy. I think that if your body is craving a particular food, its probably craving a vitamin or mineral. So I've been taking calcium and iron supplements in addition to my prenatal.
    But.... I don't feel pregnant at all. No neasuea, food cravings or aversions, fatigue or anything!

    Working out: I'm an outside person. I never go to the gym. I stopped running when it got below freezing and now just walk a lot. I was planning and getting back into running once the weather is tolerable but I think now I can't. Bummed. Looking for other outdoor, low impact workout ideas.
    I'm due with my first baby on Sept 8th according to an online calculator but I don't go to the dr's office until the 31st! The wait is killing me. And then I wont get to hear the heartbeat until Feb 14. It feels like forever! But I have been overweight in the past and I am really paranoid about gaining too much weight. So I am here to track my calories and keep up with my workouts.

    Its so early on but I already feel bloated and my pants seem a little tight. That is frustrating. So I need to be s little more strict. I am a vegetarian but lately I have been craving meat, especially chicken, it's so odd! Any other veggies out there having this problem? And what do you do about it? I relied on eggs for my source of protein but now jsut the thought of them makes me ill.
    It reminds me of an episode of Friends when Phoebe, a vegetarian, eats meat while she's pregnant because it was the only thing that sounded good to her. LOL!
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Just another one to add to the cramping here as well. It's mainly been happening in the evenings and at night, but on and off through the days also. Sometimes it's like menstrual cramps, but it seems to be of a more consistent, low level nature. A couple of nights they've been quite strong and I've had to get up out of bed and make sure there was no bleeding. After having several miscarriages, I'm paranoid -_- But so far so good!

    Decided to track my calories again today, as really don't want to gain a whole lot of weight, or not more than I need to. Feeling mostly good with what I ate, but there's room for improvement. I managed to resist the chocolate DH brought home ;) I'm very fatigued so far, and am not drinking my usual tea at work, mostly because I don't feel like it. The girls at work are sort of giving me curious looks, asking if I'm okay, which I assure them I am. This is going to be the worst kept secret ever.
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    This is going to be the worst kept secret ever.

    Agree, I hate this part. But yet I can tell people on here, but not all because some people on my friends list know me. And I am not ready for it to be on facebook or someother familiar place. I also hate the secret as I know I am I knwo my SIL is and my neice is and she is only 2-3 weeks ahead of me (she is young and has told everyone and is only 6 weeks ish). She moved up her and is now pregnant and so am I, irony! Have a great day ladies.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I'm due in September too with my second baby.
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    Hey all,
    I am also due in Sept, my midwife is honestly not sure when in Sept I am due because I got pregnant just after a miscarriage, I did not cycle between, and the dates that she projected are not options of days that I could have gotten pregnant (or I have some explaining to do!) Anyway, I have an ultrasound coming up to date me and also to see if I am having twins!!! My numbers have been tripling and quadrupling each time they do them so there is a chance of twins which would be crazy! I gained too much last pregnancy, 40 lbs, so I am trying to be better this time around :) Would love prego friends, feel free to add me.
  • I hope everyone is feeling well today! Do any of you have problems digesting your prenatal vitamins? Sometimes I think it's not really morning sickness I'm having but rather my stomach being sensitive to the vitamins.
  • I hope everyone is feeling well today! Do any of you have problems digesting your prenatal vitamins? Sometimes I think it's not really morning sickness I'm having but rather my stomach being sensitive to the vitamins.

    Me! I think it's the zinc. I find when I have it on an empty (or nearly empty) stomach, I feel really ill. If I take it about half an hour after lunch or dinner, then I'm much better.
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    Due September 14th here with our first. Hubby and I are so excited! Any other first timers out there that have been looking at baby stuff and completely overwhelmed with everything??