My doctors are useless - A little help?



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Along with everyone else's comments, I always get a copy of my lab results... don't be afraid to ask for it. I get a copy, so that I can keep track of what the numbers where, and how I felt. Just being an informed patient! Due to the number of docs we all have been to for this one issue, you have to be your own advocate.
    Good luck

    This must be something odd in the US? I'm in Canada and we're entitled to everything in our file through the Freedom of Information Act. I can't imagine not asking for copies! :)

    You're entitled, but sometimes doctors don't send out results, they just call/prescribe/diagnose without... and sometimes you have to "pay for processing." :/
  • dkschrader
    dkschrader Posts: 32 Member
    yes we are entitled to copies as well... but some people just dont think of it or think they can't ask for copies. my doctor always has a copy ready and waiting for me... but then again this is the 3rd doc I had to try before finding one that will listen! Plus I drive 1 hour out of my way to see him, but well worth the trip!
  • At the clinic I go to, you can sign up on their website to view all your labs, visits, and everything. They usually don't send out the results, unless you ask. And the are really nice about it. I think that most people just don't get proactive about their health and don't bother asking.