Check-in / How'd you do for the day?



  • MerRock
    MerRock Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Melanie. I remember years back, when I did slim in six, I was SOO sore from lungs I could barely walk up the stairs! I thought I'd never sit again. The thing that helped a bit, was to eat a snack with a ratio of at least 4 to 1 carbs to protein. I forget all the technical reasons why it helps, but it does. I remember drinking chocolate milk right after working out gives the same ratio. It sounds simple, but it really did help a lot, and I still try to follow it to this day,
  • melaniejo527
    melaniejo527 Posts: 73 Member
    I went to Zumba class for an hour today and my legs feel every minute of the class...
  • melaniejo527
    melaniejo527 Posts: 73 Member
    Spinning class at 5:30 this morning... it sure seemed a lot earlier this morning than it did on Monday, but I made it.