
karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
My hubs was poking fun at my calves yesterday - saying i'm abnormal & don't seem to have any! lol - tho i thought they were plenty "tone" (i'll admit i fear gremlin calves) - but now i must ask, what calve specific things do you do.?

I can do like 120 on the seated calve machine & like 200+ on the standing - but is there a secret? or like do i need to be holding it for 2 seconds instead of rep,rep,rep?

do tell!!


  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    Like any other muscle, to get the most out of the exercise, you should hold the contraction. That point is where you work the muscle the most. I do dropsets for my calves, and then jump rope for 30 seconds right after the dropset. Smokes my calves pretty good.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    I'll have to try that, i just push them out... maybe i'll start doing that with my other sets too.

    I'd like to incorporate drop sets in too, but i'm usually so pushed for time, it's hard to do. maybe if i get my Sunday "bonus" days in, i can get some in on some compound stuff!