Tips for finding workout buddies??

Hey y'all! I'm starting to get back into shape while I'm home on break but I know (based on prior history) that I'll slip when I go back to school because I don't want to miss out on my friends hanging out. I've asked them before and none of my friends are interested in working out at the gym or having a workout schedule so I usually start cutting the gym more and more.

Any tips on finding a friend to work out with? (Or converting the ones I have)


  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    roll solo, eventually you'll run into someone who is as interested as you in working out
  • alexpultz93
    alexpultz93 Posts: 18 Member
    I currently work out alone, but you could start working out at the gym and meet people there that can be a workout buddy.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    when you go to the gym, on say leg day. find someone else working legs on something you planned on using and ask if you can work in on the machine with em. most people will be polite and let you. ice breaker right there