1/10/13 Weigh-In

Well, I finally remembered to weigh in on Thursday! I had little gains the previous two weigh-ins, but finally had a small loss at today's weigh-in. I have recommitted myself to this journey in 2013 and did much better with food choices and exercise this past week. I was hoping for a bigger loss, but I am just happy the scale budged DOWNward!!! Trying to focus on making healthy choices and consistent exercise, knowing that being healthier and losing weight will eventually follow. Don't want to be so obsessed with the # on the scale each week, as long as the TREND begins/continues to be DOWN.

How is everyone else doing??? Please post as often as possible and feel free to begin a new topic any time! We need to get some support flowing in the group! :wink:


  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    I had to go look at last week's post to see how much I lost. Down 1 lb. 173.4, Yay!

    Congratulations Iamlimandfit on your loss!
  • Iamslimandfit
    Iamslimandfit Posts: 212 Member
    aubsgg: Thank you for posting!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your 1 pound weight loss! You are doing great! :bigsmile: