Tips/Advice for starting Insanity

KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
Hello Everyone! Last week I ordered Insanity and it arrived today. I am going to take the next couple weeks to look at the nutritional guide. My boyfriend and I are planning on starting February 1st. I'm just curious what advice and tips you all have.


  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in Month 2 and the first thing that popped into my head was "throw away your scale and get a tape measure!". Inches is where you'll notice the difference. Follow the food plan, too. Nutrition is 75-80% of Insanity. You can do it!
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Don't rely on scales, go by the tape! Sometimes weight loss comes to a halt but the inches come off!

    My second piece of advice...pray lol!
  • If you are a beginner with the exercise thing, Insanity is not a beginners program in my opinion, so beware of what you are getting yourself into. I am currently starting month two of the program and it is crazy. I went through month 1 twice before moving onto month 2 and I am sure I will be doing month 2 twice also. Insanity has a lot of jumping and twisty type moves.

    Now if you are not a beginner with exercise and are in fairly good shape and not a couch potato so to say, do what you can of the videos and definitely do the fit tests (which are workouts in themselves). The fit tests will really show you how much stronger you are getting. Like the other posts said, the tape is going to tell you more than the scale when doing this program. Also, just because the schedule tells you to go to month two really consider how much of month one you are able to do before moving on because month two is very brutal. If you have to go through month one 1 or two more times, then do so.

    Good luck on your adventure. Any steps taken are a step closer to our goals.
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    As others have said, don't pay attention to the scale. You'll probably end up disappointed. When I did Insanity, I was losing inches like crazy, but I only ended up losing about 12 lbs after the two months was up, but I felt so much better and stronger.
    The measurements and fitness tests truly are where you'll see the results.
    Push yourself, but don't overdo it. It won't do you any good to injure yourself and not be able to work out.
    Good luck and DIG DEEPER! :laugh:
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Thank you for all the advice. I agree the scale isn't important. I do have a goal weight, but I am looking more for how I feel and a dress size (14/16).

    I will take measurements and keep in mind that a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, but muscle is smaller.