Any tips on how to stay motivated??

Hey, I've done really well the past few months with eating well and workouts and managed for the first time in 5 years to have a 'healthy BMI' I still wanted to lose another 7lbs though so that I wasn't on the borderline of healthy/overweight but past week or so, my eating habits have slowly worsened and I've put a couple of lbs back on. I'm still training hard and have increased my workouts but slipping into bad habits of daily treats!

Any tips on how you guys stay motivated to lose the last few lbs?


  • CowgirlConnieMay
    CowgirlConnieMay Posts: 300 Member
    I hate telling people what to do when I haven't met my goal yet but I was told to do two things in your situation. One, try something physically new to you to shock your body into burning extra calories....for example if you always zumba, than try circuit training. Next I was told to try giving up dairy for the last few pounds....can't remember why but that's all I know. Good luck!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I'm just trying to lose ten pounds and have stayed the same for about six weeks. I refuse to tell myself that I plateaued or that this isn't working. I trust that the IIFYM method works for me because it does. I've stayed the same because my calories have been up. They were up because of Christmas, parties and lots of drinking. My advice is to keep doing what works for you. Stay positive! I like knowing that I can eat whatever I want. I used to save calories for ice cream. Knowing that something delicious would be part of my day makes my eating feel more like a lifestyle I choose than a diet or a fix for a problem. The good news about my slow loss and lack of loss over the last two months? When I want to maintain my weight I already have an idea how this will go and I will know that I can do it because its basically what I have been doing.
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Honestly.... in my personal opinion it's not about losing the last few lbs, it's about creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle in order to maintain your amazing success of losing the weight. If you eat well and work out then you will hit your goal weight without even thinking about it. I reached my "goal weight" in September and still feel as though every day is a challenge - to run a little further, to eat a little better.... I spent 28 years eating what the hell I wanted, when I wanted without much care or consideration, for me it will take quite some time to retrain myself not to splurge on just any foods I want or not do a workout for a few weeks because I can't be bothered. So until its second nature to me I just keep looking forward, be proud of how far I've come and set myself small goals.

    As far as daily treats are concerned - go for it - just aim to choose healthier options and fit them into your calories and macro's. It really isn't about being deprived and cutting out complete food groups, it's enjoying the healthier things in life, my taste buds have changed so much, if I take a sip of hubby's beer or cider I gag from the sugar, I stole a chip off his plate a while ago and it tasted like cardboard, I crave greek yoghurt over chocolate now...

    Not sure if this helps or not but I wish you the best of luck reaching your goal weight and continuing with your amazing success! :smile:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    My motivation to keep going even though I'm the lowest weight I have been in over a decade is the simple idea that I've come so far (27 lbs lost since June) that the last 5 lbs don't stand a chance. I've also made the switch in my head that I'm not doing what I am doing to lose the weight (implying it will stop after the weight is gone), I'm now doing it to stay fit and healthy. I am eating much healthier and working out 6 days a week. I am still reducing my calories for a loss, but once I get to goal weight or body fat I'll eat at maintenance, but not change the healthy diet or the current workout schedules.