Question about protein amounts

made2wonder Posts: 69 Member
Hi. I'm new to MFP and to this group. When I set up my profile, MFP calculated that I would need 1200 calories. I adjusted the settings today for more modest weight loss, but I'm only up to 1275. It's not wonderful, but it gives me a challenging goal to shoot for. What I don't like is the proportion of calories it set up: 175 carbs, 48, protein, and 42 fat. If I eat in the way that I know is most healthy for me, I go way over the protein limit. One day I had peanut butter toast for breakfast and eggplant and tomatoes topped with mozzarella for lunch, and I had barely any protein left for dinner. This protein limit seems awfully low for a regular person, let alone a diabetic.

BTW, I've been diagnosed diabetic for two years, my last A1C was 5.7 back in August, and cholesterol was 144, with particle size improving. My numbers have improved greatly from where I started. I have labs due next month, and I'd like to see what impact weight loss has on them. I take metformin and statins, among other medications. My overall goal is to get off some of these meds.

It's frustrating to see myself going over on proteins nearly every day, but maybe the amount they set for me isn't realistic. I don't know if it's possible to adjust that in the profile, either. I'm interested in hearing from group members with some experience in these matters.


  • If you are diabetic, you should stay away from those carbs, especially the refined carbs like bread. Carbs drive the insulin response and if you've got an insulin problem, you are compounding the problem by requiring your pancreas to produce more insulin. I've cured my Type 2 diabetes by keeping my carb intake to less than 30 gm per day. My blood glucose now stays between 75 and 92.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I hear you, and yet it's so hard for me to reach the protein when I set it higher! ugh.

    You can change your goals to meet what you need. Go to the my home tab. Then "goals." Once you're in, there's an option at the bottom to change goals. I have mine at 40/30/30 percentages. It will then do the conversion to grams for you. Some in this group have even lower carbs than I. It seems like you have a handle on what works for you, so I would enter that and see what happens.

    Good luck!
  • made2wonder
    made2wonder Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks, Jessie. I just set my ratios to 40 30 30,and it matches much better with what I'm eating.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    It's important to understand that the MFP programme, while effective, is not specifically geared for those with Diabetes. Its also important not to get too hung up on numbers. From the info you gave your ratio of carbs to fat and protein seems very high( almost 60%) The consensus view from most diabetics is that a reasonable starting point would be to aim for about 45 grams of net carbs per main meal with about 20 left for snacks if required. This would give you about 150 for net carbs. If you are struggling with protein targets could try to get as close as you can to a ratio of around 40:30:30 for net carbs,fat and protein. Just start from where you are and work towards that. If you test daily then there is a lot of information on this site regarding target figures. Having an awareness of the nutritional value of each meal before eating it would help you to make wise choices. Take your time to read around the boards in this group and when you're ready to ask questions you will find lots of genuine and experienced people here who are willing to share their knowledge and experience. I wish you well in your efforts and will certainly do all I can to help if required.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    It's important to understand that the MFP programme, while effective, is not specifically geared for those with Diabetes. Its also important not to get too hung up on numbers. From the info you gave your ratio of carbs to fat and protein seems very high( almost 60%) The consensus view from most diabetics is that a reasonable starting point would be to aim for about 45 grams of net carbs per main meal with about 20 left for snacks if required. This would give you about 150 for net carbs. If you are struggling with protein targets could try to get as close as you can to a ratio of around 40:30:30 for net carbs,fat and protein. Just start from where you are and work towards that. If you test daily then there is a lot of information on this site regarding target figures. Having an awareness of the nutritional value of each meal before eating it would help you to make wise choices. Take your time to read around the boards in this group and when you're ready to ask questions you will find lots of genuine and experienced people here who are willing to share their knowledge and experience. I wish you well in your efforts and will certainly do all I can to help if required.

    The only time I can handle that big of a carb load per day is when I'm doing a 50+ mile bike ride. If I ate like that daily, I would no longer be diet/exercise controlled.

    It sounds like the OP is doing it right for them. I think we should all eat to our meters and that blanket advice for everybody diabetic isn't appropriate.
  • Annaduurai
    Annaduurai Posts: 56 Member
    I have my carbs set at 15% which is around 62 per day 20 per meal. MFP automatically changes your proteins and fats when you change the carbs. It is about right now, except I have a tough time reaching my protein and staying under fats. /shrug.