sugar intake

I keep hearing that keeping your sugar down is a very important part of reducing belly fat.. is anyone else finding it hard to keep that down? Even the days that I don't have candy or junk I find that I still manage to go over the daily amount with apples and simple things like that even...


  • Rabiasiddiqi
    Since I started tracking, I've also noticed that sometimes after breakfast I'm at my maximum sugar intake and all I've had is a glass of chocolate milk, a banana, and toast! It was a wake up call cause usually I'd grab a muffin or donut for breakfast so I can only imagine how bad my sugar intake was before. I think fruit has a lot of sugar in it and that's a big one to watch so I try to increase my veggies vs fruit... Try to look up the sugar content before you eat it. Stick to proteins as much as you can.