Monday 1/14/13

(Sorry Fludderbye I wanted to post already and I'm ahead timezone wise! it's 2pm Mon already here ) for me today was Day 4 Level 1 as I took the weekend off...
I felt like I had more stamina for the cardio for sure but strength really kicked my butt. We spent the whole of yesterday gardening, ripping up lawn, mulching... intense gardening not flower picking. So I think I'm still recovering fro that.

Anyway. Day 4 down. 26 days left :)


  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    LOL no problem- who ever gets to it- fell free- Just glad to see us all still motivated !!!

    Did day 6 lvl 1-

    I swear i might be crazy but even though she kicks my butt I feel better afterward

    STRANGE ??

    anyway it was so hard to stay motivated over the week end- so i now know my weakness...

    seraarchie- I love gardening and am soo jealous- can not wait for spring so i can get my veggie garden going again-
  • Bsloop45
    Bsloop45 Posts: 28 Member
    I just did level 1, day 6! I had to take the weekend off due to an awful pain in my left shoulder, but I got my butt out of bed this morning and am finished with 30DS for the day! =) Feels good!
  • i'm still having to take breaks during my work out.. (on day 5) I'm really hoping I can start building lung capacity as the levels go on.. i honestly feel like my lungs are going to collapse at some points lol
  • sunnsand201
    sunnsand201 Posts: 12 Member
    emartin87 - Maybe you could really try focusing on your breathing. Jillian is pretty good when telling you when to take your inhales & exhales. Example - when doing your sit-ups - inhale on your way down and exhale on your way up. Same with the weight/strength part. Inhale when the move is coming back to your body and exhale when you are moving the weight (dumbbell) away from your body. Hopefully that will help your lungs feel better during your exercise. =)
  • Doing day 7 level 1 today. Really lost the motivation to do day.6 yesterday, bit the thought of not being able to push through the 25 minutes made me disappointed in myself, so I did it. It's getting way easier. I only stopped for one 5 second break to slam some water into me. Noticing a difference in my strength & flexibility....also, found it easier to zip upmy hoodie that was tighter on me before!!!! Didn't take measurements before I started but I am totally noticing a diffeence! Good luck everyone & add me so we can motivate each other hahaha! :)
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Doing day 3 of L1 today and I am a bit sore. I was surprised that day 2 was harder than day 1. It's hard to believe that someday I will be able to do this without having trouble breathing. I know we just have to stick with it!
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I will be doing Level 1 day 8 today...can't wait to start Level 2 this week!
  • Just completed level 1 day 6 and feel bad about taking yesterday off but I am pushing forward and excited about tomorrow.
  • bray246
    bray246 Posts: 15
    I just did day 6 of level 1. I took a break from the video for the weekend but instead on Saturday I did a 10km walk and on Sunday I did 10km of rollerblading.
  • jennipooh0324
    jennipooh0324 Posts: 85 Member
    i completed Day 5 of Lvl 1 today. I find it's getting easier. Except for those pushups and then the jumping jacks ( so many of them at the beginning).

    I found Day 2 and 3 were hard, and I was sore, I wanted to stop, but I pushed through. Looking forward to Level 2 on Sunday. Not sure what to expect, but I am sure it will be worth it.
  • thissamelissa
    thissamelissa Posts: 5 Member
    After work today I will be doing Day 8, Level 1.
    I should be on Day 9 but I took off Sunday. :noway:
    I noticed a huge difference in my stamina yesterday and I think I'm going to need heavier weights for some of the exercises. I am really loving the way I feel after this workout :love: