Five Reasons You Should Be Swimming Laps



  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Injury is possible with swimming. Just finished a bout of physio to get over swimmer's shoulder. Note to self: next time, don't wait so long to get the problem fixed.

    Aquafit is a nice compliment to swimming, because it involves motions that are a lot more varied. It would be a shame to limit water exercise to swimming when it has so many more possibilities to keep your body active.

    By all means, do laps. But don't stop there: do jumping jacks, frog jumps, cancan kicks, hoedowns, twists, bucking donkeys, rocking chairs, pendulums, cycling on your side, ab crunches, scizzor kicks, etc.

    My wife does two different water classes. One for arthritis and a deep water class. She loves them.

    re:shoulders. I tried using hand pads to increase resistance but I found that they stressed my shoulder muscles too much.
    But over all swimming has been great for my left shoulder. I have degenerative osteoarthritis in it. It limits the range of motion such that I can no longer do a back stroke. But swimming has increased my range of motion in most other directions and eliminated the pain. To me that is a big win.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Just like everything else, moderation is the key. I find if I cocnentrate too much on lengthening my stroke & pulling hard for too long I can feel it in my shoulders, but if i stay with a good overall form I have no problems. shorten your stroke just a little bit & that will take a lot of stress of your shoulders......