Day 1 Level 1

Just finished my first day of level 1 of the 30 day shred! It was harder than I expected it to be because I haven't worked out in a long time but I still got through it and am looking forward to the next 30 days! How is everyone else doing?


  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    I was doing great only had to take 2 breaks when it felt like my legs were going to give out so that was good til I read my hrm at the burn. depressing
  • ElanorRigby
    ElanorRigby Posts: 8 Member
    Ok, so I started level one this morning. It kicked my butt, and I'm ashamed to admit that I quit after the first circuit. :sad:
    However, I wasn't about to just give up, so this evening I restarted from the beginning and finished the whole thing! Yay!

    If you try and give up, just try again, because you'll be so proud of yourself if you finish the whole thing. Good luck everyone!
  • AftynAlvis
    AftynAlvis Posts: 2 Member
    Im new to all this but today was my sencond day on Level one and wow push ups suck when you are already sore from the first I fought threw the pain and finished it all excpet basically the cool down,but i just layed on the floor and died.I have done this before and never made it a week and I am going to keep going because I am un happy with the way i look,Keep up the work everyone.feel free to add me and we can keep each other motiviated:)
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    So today was day 2 for me. It went well considering I was exhausted cold and sad. I went from burning 107 yesterday to 118 today so I guess that means I did better today than I did yesterday. My abs are really feeling it today. Looking forward to tomorrow since it will be day 3 which is normally when I get bored and stop doing it.