What are you going to change first?

What nutrition change are you going to make first to make progress towards losing weight?


  • Ask myself before putting something in my mouth if it is worth the energy needed to burn it?!?!?!
  • amberntay20
    amberntay20 Posts: 28 Member
    have a fruit or vegetable with every meal and snack :) oh an drink more water!!
  • clf1960
    clf1960 Posts: 13 Member
    Eating on a schedule and planning the meal and considering the values before eating, and of course making sure I get in my glasses of pure water.
  • mcstu6
    mcstu6 Posts: 1
    Drink more water, eat less chips.
  • Tenchi59
    Tenchi59 Posts: 2 Member
    First change is to track what I've eaten on this site.
  • jkckev9597
    jkckev9597 Posts: 1 Member
    Do a better job of keeping a food journal. I find it holds me more accountable.