How many calories to eat with JM - confused!

angelapm Posts: 3 Member
Hi all,
I just started JMBR one week ago. I didn't do the jumpstart, just started with the regular schedule/diet. I'm completely confused over how many calories I should be eating a day. JM seems to hover around 1200/day, and when I put in my stats and desired weight with 2 lbs a week loss, MFP also put me at 1200/day. So last week I did that, and I ate back about half of my workout calories to net close to 1200. After one week I gained a pound...which I'm not stressing over yet. I'm very close to goal weight, looking at those last 10 lbs, but mostly I want to be toned and look good in a bathing suit this summer!!

So, using online calculators I determined my BMR is about 1475, and my TDEE is about 2280. Looking at that, and how I felt last week, I feel pretty certain I need to up my calories, right? But how much?? And does that include or not include the 250-300 calories I burn from JM? What would be a good daily calorie goal to get those last 10 lbs off?!

Many thanks,