Cycle 2



  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I have really crashed and burned. I am really struggling to get back on track. It is like I have been consumed by a carb demon and I cannot perform the exorcism myself. HELP!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!! Good grief Charlie Brown!

    I finished cycle 2 without much weight loss. But it is my fault because I was not being totally true. I think I will try to eat cycle 3 and see if I have the energy to start again. I am just being lazy.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I made it through cycle 1 and halfway through cycle 2. I lost 13 lbs and my weight loss completely stalled during cycle 2. I felt tired, weak, and overall pretty crappy.

    I'm not following 17 day diet anymore. I'm having more than 2 pieces of fruit per day if I'd like....I'll have a starch with dinner.....I'm back to eating nuts and hummus and low fat salad dressing and peanut butter and cheese...and I feel GREAT!!! I'm able to do substantial workouts and feel so much stronger and have lost 4lbs in the past week.

    I tried 17 day diet last year after I feel off the wagon for awhile....and it helped me lose 20 lbs and get me back in my clothes and in the right head to eat healthy/workout regularly. This time it didn't work for me. I still try to eat clean, and at least 1500 calories per day, and workout at least 30 mins 5 days per week. I think 17 day diet is great for anyone that needs to see that loss to get them motivated or needs to lose to fit into clothes they no longer fit in. I strongly urge anyone who is not feeling that great on it to try something else...and not to get discouraged and give up!

    Good luck to everyone!!!

    You have the right attitude. The 17DD is not the "only way" it is a great tool when you are in a certain mental place, and I find it really works for me. I also had to take a "mini break" from it, when I felt I was overdoing it. Cycle 1 is intense and not for the long haul (but man it works for me) best of luck, you will get to your goal, I can tell!