"not from online dating" date tonight!!!



  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Why are many of you not getting good vibes? Just curious?

    If a guy is interested he usually trys to set up the next date before the first one is over. You gave him two chances and he did not act on them before you asked him out.

    Yeah....I'm gonna have to agree with the others on this. But, hopefully we're wrong!! :)

    I also have to agree.

    I have been on both sides of a date.... had guys ask to see me again (I always agree even if I don't mean it eek) and never hear from them again. Recently I went on a date and I left going WOW I doubt I will ever hear from him again, and 10 minutes later I get a really sweet text and a 2nd date.

    I have read alot of relationship books and they all say to let the guy court you.... you texted him first after the date, which I personally wouldn't have done. That is just me, I let them come to me. But you did give him those 2 chances, now I would probably just leave it in his court.

    You have a good attitude!!!