A little help here! :(

What do you do after binge? I feel awful. I took one bite out of a bag of S'mores snack mix and one bite turned into two. Then I thought "Oh this is delicious! I'll just have a serving!" A serving is 1/4 of a cup and it's 170 calories of chocolate, mini marshmallows and graham cracker bites. Sounds good right? Sounds unhealthy too! That 1/4 of a cup turned into a cup, maybe even a cup and a half. I'm so mad at myself right now, I just took in at least 700 bad calories. I've been doing so good at controlling myself and eating clean.

So what can I do about it? Do I need to work extra hard at the gym tonight? Drink a lot of water to pee out the toxins? Or do I just let it go and make tomorrow a new and healthy day?


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have eaten over 4000 calories today, so I wouldn't worry too much.
    In the end, I have found that trying to eat clean, or trying to cut out too many things from the diet, and having a mindset that you shouldn't eat this or that, tends to lead to binge eating whereas if I allow a daily treat, or some of the so called 'unclean' food, I tend to not have as many issues with binging.

    As to what I do, well I am bulimic so sometimes I get rid of it (which is a bad idea as it only gets rid of very little anyway), or I exercise as normal the next day and get back on track, so to speak, and let it go, as in the end, there isn't much else you can do. The more you focus on it and stress over it, the more likely you are to just repeat the experience.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Well, as soon as I am done calling myself everyname in the book I start thinking of ways to stop it next time. I am going to find something to do no where near the kitchen. Which wont be easy because I live in an apartment. I have been known to do things to clean it all out the following day. I usually eat nothing but apples the next day, or even a handfull or two of prunes followed by a warm glass of water. It umm... speeds it all along.... I wouldn't reccommend it though.
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    Let it go, tomorrow is a new day. The worse you feel, the more you will do it. It's a terrible cycle. The best thing is to just lay down and try to sleep it off. Work out a little more throughout the week and you will be fine. Just be proud that you are acknowledging the issue and are working to combat it.
  • JonnyR214
    JonnyR214 Posts: 228 Member
    You must forget that you binged, forgive yourself it's ok, tomorrow is a new day. Start fresh tomorrow, go back to your regular diet, maybe go for a walk tonight or tomorrow morning before you consume anything but beating yourself over the binge is only going to cause more pain and restricting calories is only going to cause more binging. You can do this!
  • rincoglionita
    rincoglionita Posts: 177 Member
    Ditto what Graelwyn75 said and everyone else who said forgive yourself and move on.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I've taken to throwing out whatever remains of the binge trigger food and all other trigger foods in the vicinity and then making a note not to buy them ever again.

    Taking preventative measures against the next binge gives me a feeling of control and success.
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    Ditto. There is nothing more painful living with people who refuse to get rid of it though haha. The only thing I didn't like about living with my brother was the fact that he has all kinds of cakey goodness around the house :( I made him put it all in a cabinet and put a lock on it... extreme measures lol
    I've taken to throwing out whatever remains of the binge trigger food and all other trigger foods in the vicinity and then making a note not to buy them ever again.

    Taking preventative measures against the next binge gives me a feeling of control and success.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I live with family too, so sometimes it is in the house. In that case I fall back on making sure I eat enough steak, ground beef, or eggs every day to always feel full. At that point I actually find it pretty easy to pass up the junkfood they bought. Not counting some regrettable Halloween candy incidents.