New to the group, check in here



  • cwheeler1972
    cwheeler1972 Posts: 3 Member
    New to the group!:happy:
  • turtledove773
    turtledove773 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm new! New to MFP, new to dieting and getting fit! I joined to keep track of my calorie intake and get some motivation and support!

    Good luck in your journey!

  • TansieEye
    I am a mom of twins, married 11 years, with 4 dogs and a rabbit. I work outside the home. My own Mom was obese, and while I was growing up I watched her struggle with her weight, and various health issues that came with it. Consequently, I'm constantly on a diet. The good news is I'm an athlete and it helps me to keep slightly plump rather than obese. I've lost ten pounds since Halloween and I'm looking forward to taking off at least another ten pounds (maybe 20?) in 2014. My main problem is not meals, but snacking or candy. I was doinG Weight Watchers online but I am liking this better. Free. Calories, not strange point systems that confuse me. No pressure to buy food or tools. I like this a lot!
  • jude2503
    jude2503 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all. Im Judith from Northumberland in the UK and have just joined MFP on 01.01.14. I've lost 17lbs so far and plan to lose a whole lot more. Be glad of any support given.
  • hl_ban
    Hi! I'm new to the group. I recently turned forty and I've been using MFP for a couple of weeks now. I find I do better if I hold myself accountable. So here I am. I've lost 4 pounds so far. I am married with 5 children ages 23, 21, 16, 10 and 7. My husband, who is just 11 yrs older than I am, recently had a heart attack. It really made me take stock. I need to take better care of myself. I need to lose 33 pounds, then I'd like to add some weight with muscle. I have a lot of work ahead of me. My adult daughter and sister are doing this with me, so I have them for encouragement, but I'd like some MFP, Fabulous 40 Something ladies to do this with too.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi I'm new to the group I am 44 years old and a young grandma of one granddaughter that will be 3 March 1,I want and need to lose weight and am hoping to lose over 90 pounds don't know if anyone else here has a long goal like me or not but if anyone wants to add me as a friend please do.I know I need to do this and succeed I don't want to wind up where I can't walk or am bed ridden and if I keep gaining I believe I will wind up like that.this is not my first time losing weight I know what it takes but it is hard,just keeping track and watching everything is so hard when you are use to not worrying about it but I know if I keep it up I will lose and become healthier.I have already lost 11 pounds and feel better with more energy but it is coming off slowly and it seems like at this rate it will take me a very long time.
  • hollyj365
    hollyj365 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am 47 and am what I call a "repeat" to mfp. I had lost some weight, stopped logging in, gained all my weight back and then some. I am back and I am even more determined than ever. I guess knowing that my 30 year class reunion is in June is helping a bunch :wink: .
    I have two grown children (27 and 24) and three grand children. I lived most of my life for my kids and now that they have a life of their own.....................
    It is my turn.

    Great to meet everyone. Add me if you want, you can never have to many friends on here.
  • rhonda6373
    Hello all -- I am new to MFP. I am 43 and have 2 chilldren 17 and 15. I have between 80-90 pounds to lose. I am looking forward to the support of the group!
  • hippechickie
    hippechickie Posts: 26 Member
    First of all I hope I posted this corrected...I am Holly. I havent accepted that I am aging , so I am fighting it. I want to look good in a swimsuit and turn the heads of men.
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi everyone I am Sue from Australia, happily married with two beautiful teenage boys .
    I am 41 and I now struggle with my weight .
    Everyday I diet and struggle with my food choices,
    I am allergic to so much food and I have to keep my protein low, sodium low, no fruit, no yummy stuff and it is tough, low carbs :(
    Exercise I love but sometimes I lack the energy due to a kidney disease, which is frustrating.
    I Am so hoping to dot the i's and cross the t's and get this weight loss done.
  • KaiDee4
    KaiDee4 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Dee and I'm so happy I have decided to start this journey in making a lifestyle change to help me lose some weight that I have gained since my last pregnancy. Although it has been 5 years I can't seem to get rid of the excess weight I have put on. Right now I am at my nine month weight and I want it gone. I was working the midnight shift and getting little or no sleep for years and I have now switched shifts, so I am hoping that with the help of MFP I can start to take better care of myself. I am 44 years old and I am the mom to 2 sixteen year olds and a five year old. They are definitely my inspiration and motivation to lose the weight and be healthy. I've been counting for 1 week and I have lost 2lbs.

    I was reading 'soozey1' post and I can relate to her struggles with exercise and the lack of energy as I too found out 5 years ago that I have polycystic kidney disease but I don't intend to give in to it.

    I hope to meet some fabulous ladies and gentlemen on this journey.
  • mjdefranco
    mjdefranco Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ~ I'm Mary Jo and I am new here. I have gradually gained weight over the years and now have to lose 30 pounds. I am married with 3 teenage kids. I am basically looking for motivation and camaraderie here. I have full support at home, and basically, I know what to do, but I have a habit of sabotaging my success. Sometimes I "fall off the wagon" and take way too long to get back on. I am looking to shed a bit of weight by my birthday in June.
  • ritablankenshiptriplett
    Hi my Name is Rita I'm 49 I'm new to the group I 'm getting back on track after losing 70 pounds a few years ago I had regained weight so here I am trying again I really hope to keep it off this time I started Jan 14 2014 and as of today i have lost 21 pounds
  • shebalips
    shebalips Posts: 9 Member

    I am new to the group and wanted to just say a friendly hello! I turned forty last year and am the mother of two beautiful daughters. A seventeen year old senior and six year old in first grade. My goal is to make new friends and to get healthy and fit in the process.
  • tahoe13437s
    Hi I a new to the group, I am 46 years old and have lost 12 lbs. I still need to lose 25-30 more. I have a husband and three boys 16, 17, 20 and a granddaughter who is a year and half. I also have 2 dogs. I am trying to get not shape to make myself feel and look better. I also want to me more active for my granddaughter.
  • MarleyMolly
    I have really hit the highest weight ever: 172 at age 42. I have 2 kids. I weigh what I did when I was 8 months pregnant and now weigh the same as my husband : ( I really need encouragement and accountability. Are there a group of ladies on here in the same boat? My goal is 140. I want to feel better physically and be there for my family!
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    Hello all. I've been a part of this group for awhile, but I've been on a bit of a break from myfitnesspal, and boy, does my scale show it! I've got to stick with it this time and at least lose some before the summer! I've got a long journey in front of me but at this point I'd be happy to see the scale drop even 5 lbs! I'm making a new commitment to logging my food on here and taking my weight loss seriously!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hi, Fabulous Ones!

    I'm 48 and have 3 sons (28, 27, & 15) and 1 granddaughter (4). This is my 2nd try on MFP. I lost 40 lbs the first time, then got distracted by work & kids and gained back 22 lbs. I just came back almost 2 months ago and have lost 10 of those. I'm happy to be back and proud of myself for actually focusing on my health & fitness. Although I didn't get heavy until my mid-30's, I've always struggled with self care.

    If you're like me (in your 40's and just learning how to take care of yourself), feel free to friend me. I'd love some support for those days when the scale doesn't reflect the amount of work I've been doing.

  • Tracydpips
    Tracydpips Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning and what a lovely morning it skies and sun, spring is in the air. My name is Tracy and have dieted forever, I have lost 5 st previously with ww, then after a divorce and children flying the nest I have put back on about 20lbs. My aim is to get rid of the 20lbs and a little more (I hope). I have the 3 grown up children, 2 of which have moved back home after university with their girlfriends I may add and my partner has 2 teenage daughters who also live with us, so it's busy busy busy ohh and plus I work full time. I have recently decided now is my time ????
  • AnnWashington817
    Hi all, I am 43 and will be 44 in November. My highest weight was 305 lbs and I am currently 262.4. I have 4 kids (3 girls 20 y/o, 17 y/o, 12 y/o and 1 boy - 6 months old. This has been a life long battle. During my pregnancy last year my highest was 298 and a few months after having my son I lost about 30 lbs (weird) and I have been on the war path to keep it off and lose more and it has been a fight that I win and then lose. I have read different blogs and have a few key tips that are going help me. 1 take it in increments so I will be working with MFP to lose 10lbs and keep going from there. I have committed to loggin in for 30 days straight and to do cardio on my bike 30 straight days at least 30 minutes a day (not hard just do it as someone on this site said). My 1st goal is to get to 200 lbs and see how I feel and look from there. I am counting on all of you for your help and support and I too hope I can be that for you. 40 and fabulous.....