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  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 45 & have been on MFP since the beginning of the year.
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    Hi, I am a 43 year old wife and mother of 2. I started us ing mfp in September and have lost about 25 lbs and still have 15 to 20 lbs to reach my goal. I think this group is just what I need to keep me focused. I am excited to to be here and look forward to sharing our journey's.
  • wenditos
    wenditos Posts: 22 Member
    Hello all I am 40 and need to loose 30 pounds and I hope this is the year I make that happen. I am a freelance graphic designer that works from so lack an real social motivation. I am also mom to a very sporty 3 year old and she is my biggest motivation for getting back in shape, being stronger and healthier. I want to live a long life with her and keep up with her.
  • jdavis36
    jdavis36 Posts: 25 Member
    I will be celebrating my 47th birthday in early February with at least 50lbs to lose. I am ready to get back into the swing and make this happen...Over the next 3 years, I wish to enter my 50th on my BEST game. I look forward to meeting lots of you and traveling this path together. May we offer each other the strength and encouragement needed to reach our goals...thanks for being here!
  • jdavis36
    jdavis36 Posts: 25 Member
    This is excellent results! Congratulations!!
  • tring1968
    I'm 45 and have allowed 50lbs to creep their was onto my body. Took this pic this morning as a motivation factor. I will use this tool daily. How in the world does time and fitness get away from you?
  • Chana1967
    Chana1967 Posts: 4 Member
    12/29/13 - Hi there, I'm Chana.

    I'm not exactly new to the group since I joined some time ago but I did not stick with my plan and I am again
    to start over new. So, I just wanted to take a moment to step out and introduce myself to everybody who is still a apart of
    this group and say, "Hello!"

    I usually don't have any problems losing the weight when I stick with a plan; but, that IS the battle for me, apparently, is
    just continuing to stay on course with my new way of eating so I can meet every goal I set for myself.

    So, please, anyone and everyone, feel free to stop by to encourage me as I embark on this journey again. Success is
    just around the corner so long as I stay focused and on target. I look forward to making new friends and I thank you all,
    in advance, for helping to make my journey a happy, healthy, and encouraging one!

    Thanks so much! Warmest blessings to all of you who are walking this journey with me for 2014! :-D
  • aikester
    Hi! I'll be 40 in 6 months. I have two boys (4 and 5). I've got a nutty work schedule and home life but need to get rid of at least 20 lbs (but goal is 35). I hope I can stick to this.
  • CoolCookie62
    CoolCookie62 Posts: 5 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! I'm Andrea. I do appreciate joining the group and having positive support and accountably. My goal is to lose 20lbs(dreaming of losing 30) focusing on 10lbs at a time helps me to not feel overwhelmed. I'm a 41, a Mom, I work full time and up until recently I also had a business of my own that I ran full time. But, after living with hypertension for many years, I really am ready to kick as many of the meds I can & lose the weight.
  • klrolirad
    klrolirad Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies, My name is Karen. I love running, body pump and overall fitness. Most of all: I love good food, wine and great friends. These activities result in a roller coaster of weight loss. I am on the upswing right now and could use some advice and encouragement to help me lose 10 lbs. This seems like a the best site for me. I am 43, married, have an 8 year old and a full time job. I am a squeeze it in time of girl. ....hope you can relate.
  • jkdsimo
    jkdsimo Posts: 3 Member
    This is Simo! I'm 40. I have one kid in elementary school. My new year resolution is losing 10lbs in 5 months. I started counting calories since yesterday. So far, it's keeping me from eating that extra snack close to bed time. I realized eating out is such a killer to my diet. Portion sizes are generally too big.

    Nice to meet you all here!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi my name is Jolee I am going to be 40 in october, I have 2 kids and I a struggling with losing 20 lbs. I feel like I have been on this journey for almost 5 years since having my daughter. Ever since I turned 35 weight loss has been challenging, now I am turning 40 I want to be fit and fabulous.
  • moviestarmaria
    Hello Fabulous Ladies!

    My name is Maria and I'm 45 years young! I am happily married to my best friend for 25 years and have two grown sons who are 23 and 21. I have 30 pounds to lose but most importantly I want to tone up and get healthy! I love to eat and hate feeling deprived in any way, shape or form. I joined a 21 day challenge with a group that started yesterday. I have no idea what I'll be doing except that I will be exercising! There are so many diets that it's all very confusing. I guess eating well balanced meals is the way to go therefore watching my calories would be it. I have not counted calories in years so this is definitely a challenge for me! I turn 46 on July 4th. My goal is to lose the weight by then, look and feel great and treat myself to something very special!

    Best wishes to all!!
  • tyboskates
    tyboskates Posts: 23 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    My name is Tracy and I will be 45 in March. I am new to this group and joined myfitnesspal back in Oct 2012. I had lost 40 pounds and than started a new job and the holidays came around and before I knew it I put almost half the weight back on. I have 2 children, 13 and 9. I want to try to keep up with their energy since my husband and I started having children in our 30's. I am looking for support from all you fabulous ladies who are the same journey as I am. To be fit and healthy and feel like we are in our 20's because 40 is the new 20!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Hi! I just turned 43. New to the forums but not MFP. Around 2005, my thyroid started giving me problems. I gained a ton of weight. It took a long time before I felt like myself again. I used MFP and an armband by BodyMedia (they work together) to lose about 45 pounds. I've kept it off for six months and it's time to lose the other 25-ish pounds.

    I love the gym, and workout 6-7 days a week with cardio, yoga and heavy lifting.

    I eat pretty healthy and love making crazy smoothie concoctions with my blender (Ninja Ultima--worth every penny). I feel really good getting veggies and fruits--I wasn't doing so well at that before. And, I've cleaned out my fridge of all the old frozen veggies I hadn't eaten yet! :)

    I'm single and dating (yowza!) -- would love some support with all this crazy stuff in life! :)
  • 1aliciawade
    1aliciawade Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. I'm 43 teal old wife and mom of 3. I am new to this group and to my fitness pal. I started once before but didn't really get into it. I'm really hoping to stick with it. I am looking for support and to make friends online with people so we can support each other. I feel weak now but want to eventually feel like I can offer support to others as well.

    Thank you :)
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Donna and I am 46 soon to be 47 next month. I have 3 pretty much grown children 20,19 and 17, and married for 21 years. I live in Northern Alberta, Canada where we get less than 8 hours of sun during the winter and lots of snow and cold. I find it so hard to exercise through the winter months and I can diet all I want but if I don't exercise I have a hard time losing weight. I was on here before loss over 60lbs with great friends and challenges, then life sent me a curve ball, I disappeared for over a year from here, gained all that weight back plus some and am now starting over again.

    Looking forward to supporting one another along the way!

    Best wishes to everyone!
  • Sozzy23
    Sozzy23 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. My name is Sue and I am a returner to MFP. I will be 45 next month. I am a nurse, wife and mother of 2 adult children. I originally tried my fitness pal in 2009 and dropped off after a bit. I am heavier now than I was originally so I need to get down 9 lbs to get back to when I originally joined and am on my way with a 3.6 weight loss the first week. My job is pretty sedentary taking referrals for a Home Care agency so I need to jump on to an exercise routine as soon as my ankle heals as I twisted it trying to miss some icy snow last week. One of my worst faults is I love chocolate but I had a little too much over Christmas and am good to go again. I do get my chocolate 2 days a week in a protein shake hoping that will keep the cravings curved.

    I look forward to the journey and hope to keep going this time to get to a weight that I am comfortable with, have more energy and would love to try some hiking (when the snow stays away)!
  • karenh
    karenh Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I'm Karen. I'm 43, a wife, mom of two teenagers and a part time speech therapist. I joined MFP years ago...maybe 2005!? I've used it several times and lost and regained 20 - 30 pounds several times. This year I'm back and determined to reach my goal weight and maintain it! I managed to keep a few pounds off from last years efforts and I'm off to a good start since New Years Day. I want to lose 45 more pounds by mid June...or at least as much of that as I can! MFP helps but in all these years I've never posted much and never made any online friends. I'm hoping to meet a few people to help keep me motivated and maybe help someone else...keeping in touch with others in the same struggle can help a lot with motivation I think!
  • beckypotter1
    beckypotter1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am Becky. I am 48 and just started using My Fitness Pal a few days ago. I was at my ideal weight until a few years ago. I had a partial thyroid removal when I was 19 years old and did fine on thyroid replacement until 2010. My parathyroids finally started giving out and I have gained 45 pounds while trying to get my meds straightened out. FInally I feel like I am back on track so it's time to get rid of these extra pounds. I am doing pretty good so far for my first week. It is even more of a struggle since I am a financial manager and sit at my desk for long periods of time without much exercise during the day. So far I have gone over my limits a couple of days but not too much. My 16 year old son's favorite cereal is not my friend so I am headed to Target tonight for a new breakfast menu. I have already determined my first menu change! I am excited to have you all here with me for motivation and friendship. I am determined to do this right and make it a lifetime committment to eat healthy!
