New to the group, check in here



  • dadmomall5girls
    New to the group, I am Jennifer and I need to lose 95lbs. Looking for friends, who can support me.. Cause it's not coming off without a fight! I am very active and workout a lot.
  • DaBrownGirl
    Hello All. I'm new to the group and to MFP. I'm 43 and ready to get moving so that I can shed some of these unhealthy pounds. On the days that I eat we'll and exercise I feel amazing but I just can't seem to get more than two of those days at a time because I fall back into bad habits. I'm looking for open arms and encouragement from others who face or have faced the same battle and understand the challenges.
  • 30by214
    Hi, I'm 42 and I am the mommy of a 5-year-old and 21 month-old. I still weigh as much as my pregnancy weight and wear my maternity clothes. My goals is 30 pounds in 6 months, hence 30 by 214 (214 refers to February 14th-- Valentine's Day!).
  • JeNn45nFiT
    JeNn45nFiT Posts: 125 Member
    New to the group! 45 year old mom of 4. Empty nesters now! ;) Want to lose 15 pounds! Finding it SLOW and HARD to do in my 40's now!! Need the support and motivation to stay consistent and not give up when the weight loss slows down!
  • melybelyc
    Hi there ladies! I am new here as well. I am a 40 year old mother of 1. My son is 6 years old and the love of my life! I am happy to be joining a group of ladies that may have the same type of metabolism issues I have being 40. I just don't lose like I used to! LOL
  • Suzie126q
    Suzie126q Posts: 8 Member
    Hiya, I'm new to the group.... 42 yrs old single and living alone. I'm looking for help in pushing me forward in my quest to lose at least 100lbs. I've been working out since January2012 and body has changed but stuck with weight loss at only 16lbs. Hoping that MFP and all the Fabulous Ladies here can help xo
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    Hi everyone I am Sherry. I am 49yo, married with grown children. I have been oerweight most of my adult life and been on many diets over the years. I am on a quest to get healthy and stay that way for the rest of my life instead of focusing on the number of the scale. I have so far lost about 77 pounds and still have more to loose but am working on it.
  • Helenmbs
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Helen. I am 45 years old and have always struggled with my weight. I am married with 4 boys (twins 18, 15 and 12 yro) I work full time and this year I am at uni finishing a post grad certificate so I can teach children who speak English as a second language. I love my life but for the last few months I have been overwhelmed and I have eaten my way through the stress. Therefore I feel very fat, frumpy and exhausted. Today I have decided enough is enough and I will look after myself and make healthy choices. I need to lose 10 kilograms. Please add me I would love friends for support. All the best to everyone.
  • tificreole
    tificreole Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Frances, I am 49 and like Helen, I have been struggling with my weight all my life. Now having gone through menopause this year it is more crucial than ever to not give up. I need to lose 20kg but I will settle for 10kg to start with.
    I have an 8 yrs old boy..(yeah.. I started late). I would like to give him a good role model. I exercise regularly and hope to acheive my 10kgs goal by end of December this year.
    Good luck and see you around every one.
  • mixi68
    mixi68 Posts: 1
    Hi ladies, I am 45, married with 2 children. Have dieted on and off forever. Had successes, only to regain the weight, and a little bit more!
    Have finally discovered I like exercise, and would love to get into that LBD for Christmas. "Willpower failure" is my biggest obstacle, hoping to find help and support at MFP.
    Have a lovely day :)
  • deekeir
    deekeir Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! My name is Dianna. I am 44 years, married with 1 child, she is 4 (yes I started late too) and my whole life. my weight has yo-yo'd for as long as I can remember and at 44 it just gets harder and harder to get it off and easier and easier to put it on, so this is it, I need to do this. I have lost 14lbs already but need to loose about 20-25 more (I'd be happy with 20). I love exercising but can't get the balance of food & exercise to work in my benefit. Hopefully we can all encourage each other.
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I'm a 44 yr old single mum of a 9-year-old daughter. Just sick of accepting feeling frumpy and avoiding dates and life in general outside my parenting and work.
    Ready for change inside and out! Of course, like lots of us, I've struggled with weight loss in the past, but the only thing, honestly, that ever worked for me before was logging (back then I used an off-line logging system, Dietpower, which was AWESOME for tracking all nutrients, but which hasn't moved to the cloud, so, MFP is it for me now!) I've lost 9 pounds since I started up here in September, got a Fitbit a couple of weeks ago to motivate me to just MOVE more, and LOVE it, and plan to add weight lifting to my life any day now :smile: . I'm determined to slay the demons that keep me hiding my light under the bushel and a) get in shape and b) start living "as if" I'm already at my goal weight NOW! Life is short, after all.
  • idembia
    idembia Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am 45, a mum of 2 wonderful teens and a business woman.
    I joined MFP earlier this month but I started my weight loss journey on the 20th of last month. This is my first encounter with dieting. I have lost 5.3kg between Sept 20th and today(10/20)and I feel fabulous. I have another 4.7kg to go to get to the 10kg the doctor recommended.

    It is great to be here.
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    hey, welcome idembia. congratulations on the move to the healthy weight your doctor suggested. You're in the right place here!
  • idembia
    idembia Posts: 6 Member
    hey, welcome idembia. congratulations on the move to the healthy weight your doctor suggested. You're in the right place here!

    thanks a million ktaylormusic. The word 'congratulations' in your message means a lot to me. You ladies in this group ROCK! I have read some of the posts and I am so fired up for this.
  • yph5992
    yph5992 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone and Welcome to the best support group " MFP". You are welcome to add me as a friend. We all in this weight lost journey together. So, let's get TGIF.......Thank God I'm FABULOUS!!!!
  • Traineight
    Traineight Posts: 17 Member
    HI all!

    New to this group but not to MFP.

    Been trying to lose some pounds and be more fit for years, not terribly successful. Tried different tactics (green bean pills, boot camp etc) but until recently wasn't losing anything but a few lbs here and there then gaining them right back.

    I'm 43 and have lost about 12 lbs so far and would like to lose about another 12 or so. That last "12 or so" is going to be tough. Yikes!

    Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  • melissamiso
    melissamiso Posts: 1 Member
    Greetings and salutations! I'm Melissa, 40-years-old, married with a 17-month-old daughter, two rescue rabbits and a rescue dog. I'm from New York and have 72 more lbs. to lose to get to goal. I'm working on getting my inner athlete back.
  • CarlaTurc
    CarlaTurc Posts: 32 Member
    Hi!smile I'm Carla, age 46, married for 25 years with 2 just-about-grown kids. Son is 21 in pharmacy school, daughter is 17 and will graduate in Dec from high school. We enjoy spending time together as a family along with our pets: 1 cat and 3 dogs, one of which is in a wheelchair.

    This is my third day with MFP. My first goal: lose 10% of my body weight. My biggest obstacle: exercise - I hate it. Long term goal: Wear a size 8/10. (I currently wear 16/18)
  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 49 and have been on MFP for a year and 3 months. In that time I have lost 95 pounds, as I approach my goal (another 20 lbs) I am working on building more muscle. I try to work out everyday (cardio and weight training) and log everything no matter how my day went. I recently agreed to do a 5K team race (next summer) for work so now I am training for that. I'm hoping the race will help get me to my goal.