1/17/13 Weigh-In

Hip....Hip.....HOORAY!!!!!!!!! I worked my butt off this week, both eating well and exercising fairly consistently, and it paid off with my biggest weight loss in years!!! I lost 4.2 pounds since last week's weigh-in!!! And this time, rather than taking the loss as an invitation to slack off this coming week, I will use it as motivation to do well again ~ all week long!!! I am all smiles!!! :bigsmile:


  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    yay Iamslimandfit.You can do this!
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    Lost 1lb. 172.6. I am a little confused. No exercise in almost a week. I ate junk on Saturday, tho' when I was still under calories. 2 days ago I ate a ton of noodles with lots of butter and mizithra (not logged hubby made it and don't know the amounts) Last night I had more of same (I measured). Yikes!