Weekly chat 1/20 to 1/26



  • sherrielynn2013
    sherrielynn2013 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today is my first day. I'm so glad I found you. Its a real boost to hear how everyone is doing and their successes. I can't wait to say "my meal at Wendys wasn't that good", or ' I couldn't even finish a whole sub, I was full and satisfied on half". I'm still fumbling with the meals but hopefully I'll get the hang of it by the end of the week. Have a great day ladies!
  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Today is Fun Day - Cheat Day for me too!

    I have been on the program now for 3 weeks so next week is my Slingshot week of all high carb days. Does anyone have any advise for me? I am going to plan and prep my recipes today so I am ready to tackle the week.

    I feel great! I even fit in a couple of Zumba classes last week in addition to my shapers and shredders because I am feeling so great!

    Protein Shakes: I love Pure Protein Frosty Chocolate (140 Calories per scoop) but I had to try the Optimum Nutrition brand (120 calories per scoop) because it has such great reviews on Amazon. I'm not sure I'm impressed with the Optimum Nutrition brand. When you mix it, it dissolves great but is really bubbly. I like the texture of the Pure Protein brand better even though it is harder to mix. It seems like it is thicker and I like that.
    Very interested to hear how this goes for you. My hi carb week is next week and it is scaring the bejeebers out of me!
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member
    yes that free day is to make are bodies act faster to burning are fat its a constant change... thats why i wanted to even stay with this plan.. i really do love it :)

    iam not any way near slingshot days lol...
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Sherrielynn welcome to the group!!! If there is anything we can do to help you give a holler! It just takes a while. i know I am still asking questions.

    Losingmybehind i wouldnt be scared at all. You are really doing awesome!
  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Yesterday was a low carb day and I found myself famished on the way home from grocery shopping. Then I saw it...the billboard with a Big Mac on it. I'm not normally into Big Mac's but something about it sounded like my mouth would like it very much. I turned to hubz and said 'whatta ya think, should we split one?' Thankfully he said rather quietly, 'no'. So, we didn't. Came home, made beef stir fry, and when I hopped on the scale this morning I was down 1.7# from last Friday! Yippee for skipping the otherwise disgusting Big Mac that wanted me last night!
  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Sherrielynn welcome to the group!!! If there is anything we can do to help you give a holler! It just takes a while. i know I am still asking questions.

    Losingmybehind i wouldnt be scared at all. You are really doing awesome!

    I fear losing my momentum, and even tho I love the high carb days and the fun day every week, I'm always so happy to "get back to business" afterward. Working on changing my mindset because I know that the variation is what makes this plan work. Still, I'm shakin a li'l in my boots.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    So far i have not found a chocolate protein I like besides the way to $$$$ shakeology.

    See if you can find someone that sells melaleuca... the chocolate proflex 20 shake tastes almost like hot cocoa to me. I love it! The vanilla is good, but the chcolate is fabulous!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Yesterday was a low carb day and I found myself famished on the way home from grocery shopping. Then I saw it...the billboard with a Big Mac on it. I'm not normally into Big Mac's but something about it sounded like my mouth would like it very much. I turned to hubz and said 'whatta ya think, should we split one?' Thankfully he said rather quietly, 'no'. So, we didn't. Came home, made beef stir fry, and when I hopped on the scale this morning I was down 1.7# from last Friday! Yippee for skipping the otherwise disgusting Big Mac that wanted me last night!

    WTG!!! What a huge victory! High 5 to the hubs for not saying yes! :)
  • sherrielynn2013
    sherrielynn2013 Posts: 27 Member
    Sherrielynn welcome to the group!!! If there is anything we can do to help you give a holler! It just takes a while. i know I am still asking questions.

    Losingmybehind i wouldnt be scared at all. You are really doing awesome!

    Thanks for the welcome. Its a relief to have support.
  • CarrieRGordon
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I am not MIA. My husband and I went to the casino this weekend to see Styx and have a few days kid free :)

    I just finished my first week and I am down 6.8 pounds! Waahhoooo!

    I didn't follow the plan 100% this weekend due to being on a mini-vacation, but I can say that things don't taste the way they used to and I tried to make the healthiest choices I could. I ate lots of salads and chose chicken salad instead of fried stuff, etc. Instead of a whole cheat day I took a few cheat meals instead and still managed to lose a little this weekend.

    Looking forward to getting back on track this week.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Yippee Losingmybehind!!!! That is so great! I think you will do great on the slingshot! Now if i start shaking in my boots when it is my turn you just remind me of this LOL!

    Babeinthemoom I will have to look around once I am out of the beachbody product. I really like the cookies and cream kiddo picked out last week. MMM

    Sherrielynn I felt the same way!

    I did Callenetics today and I forgot how hard those little movements could be. I felt really good afterwards though. There is some major stretching with that 10 in 10 workout.

    I screw up a bit this morning and forgot I couldn't have a fat in my morning shake. I'm not going to sweat it. I didn't realize it until i took a final look at my menu tonight.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Carrie we must have both been posting at the same time :) HUGE congrats on such a great first week!!!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Wow Carrie!!! That is awesome! Keep up the great work!

    Chelle, don't sweat the shake. I still mess up every once in a while. Oh well.. it happens. :) WTG on the exercise!

    Today I dragged my sorry butt out and went for a run. I didn't do as well as I wanted to, but I did it... and sometimes that is all that counts. The best part though, was that I really had tons of energy afterwards. Completely bubbly and silly. I really don't know who this person is anymore. LOL!

    I just have to eat my last snack, do the dishes and drink water/read for the night. Somehow I forgot to drink water today. Oops!
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    Wow, Carrie - I am seriously impressed!!! What a great loss for your first week!!! Especially since you didn't floow the plan perfectly!! That's what I like about CTL - you don't have to be perfect!!! Great job!!

    Today starts day 2, week 3 for me. I'm still up about 2lbs since my last official weigh in, I'm contributing it to my period & the strength training I've been doing. I would like to get back to my hiking, I know it's serious calorie burn, but it's 8 degrees outside!!! Yikes. So I'm continuing to do JM dvds in the warmth of my home. I really hope I see some kind of a loss this week since next week is my slingshot week. I'm nervous!! I love this eating plan, but so far I've really only lost 1lb - lost 3 in week 1 & gained back 2 in the last 3 or 4 days. Wish I was having better results, but I'm not getting discouraged.

    The real benefit here is that I feel fantastic every day. Even tho my weight hasn't changed much, my body feels better from all the exercise I've been doing. I don't feel quite as 'stuffed' into my clothes, I don't feel sad, heavy & bloated, lazy & tired. I feel light & energized & happy. Since I have to stay organized & meal plan, I'm really keeping busy & I've been so productive. It's a good feeling to get my *kitten* in gear & be back on top of things again. I was in a bit of a slump for awhile before & during the holidays, it's nice to be me again.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good morning!

    Carrie every time i see your profile pic i think you look like an actress or rockstar :)

    Babeinthemoom are those those runners endorphin's they talk about? It sounds great! Glug glug glug today :)

    JBdowns I think you are right about it being up because of your monthly and muscle repair. Hey, I'll trade you you eight degrees for a minus twenty five. Honestly I think above freezing would be awesome for hiking :) Do you have much to lose? I think as women we can kind of get stall from ovulation through our periods and then woosh. At least i usually do. I start bloating about 2 weeks before my period. I bet you will see a wooosh soon with losing the water weight. The feeling fantastic every day is super awesome!!!!

    I decided to weigh today and the scale bounced back up 2.5 lbs since last Saturdays Funday weigh in. . I already knew it was ovulation before I checked due to how I felt. I won't expect to see the scale behave for the next 14-15 days now. I did take measurements yesterday ( that was horrifying! They were up since last done in June). I will measure again in a week or so. I do think it is too easy for us ladies to forget our bodies do crazy hormonal things that show on the scale and get discouraged.

    I got a burst of energy last night after dinner. All of a sudden felt kind of hyper and really silly happy. That has happened a few times now :) I mean i'm usually happy but not with the burst of energy out of the blue.
  • sherrielynn2013
    sherrielynn2013 Posts: 27 Member
    Morning Ladies. Question for you....Does anyone know if CTL has a rough beakdown ratio of Carbs to Fats to Protien??? For example: if you are on a HCD your ratios should be around C-55% P-35% and Fats no more than 10% for the day. Same for the LCD C-no more than 20% Protiens 50% and Fats 30%. Just for examples. Does anyone know if this program has ratios for guildlines? I just seem to be having troubles knowing if I'm in the proper balances. Its really difficult to judge if I'm on the right track.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Sherri I didn't see ratios in the book. I know Babeinthemoon posted her targets somewhere though. I know she will have something to share with you. I personally haven't even looked at ratios. i figure if I am following the portions sizes and cals in the book it should just work out. I wont worry about it unless i stall out for weeks.
  • sherrielynn2013
    sherrielynn2013 Posts: 27 Member
    Sherri I didn't see ratios in the book. I know Babeinthemoon posted her targets somewhere though. I know she will have something to share with you. I personally haven't even looked at ratios. i figure if I am following the portions sizes and cals in the book it should just work out. I wont worry about it unless i stall out for weeks.

    Thanks for the advise. Yes, after I posted my question, I did find Babeinthemoons post of her ratios. All the information I can get is appreciated. Ya, I know, following the portions and ratios should be enough to keep on track, but as my husband puts it, "i am very particular and an All-for-nothing kinda person". When I do something,I go all the way and it erks me to have a missing link. I have just been on so many 'meal plans' before, and I don't want to mess this one up. I like all the information I can get.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Morning Ladies. Question for you....Does anyone know if CTL has a rough beakdown ratio of Carbs to Fats to Protien??? For example: if you are on a HCD your ratios should be around C-55% P-35% and Fats no more than 10% for the day. Same for the LCD C-no more than 20% Protiens 50% and Fats 30%. Just for examples. Does anyone know if this program has ratios for guildlines? I just seem to be having troubles knowing if I'm in the proper balances. Its really difficult to judge if I'm on the right track.

    No, CTL does not have official guidelines..

    Based on my experience though, a LC day has percentages around 30/35/35 (C/P/F)
    HC is around 45/35/20 (C/P/F)

    Your average through the week will end up being around 40/30/30 (C/P/F)

    Hope this helps!
  • sherrielynn2013
    sherrielynn2013 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you so much.:happy: