Hello and so happy there is a PMDD group!

I have had PMDD for WAY TOO LONG. I was actually diagnosed with it in 1996 but had the symptoms way before that. I just didn't know about PMDD back then and thought I was going crazy. I have had to switch medication many times when the St. Johns Wort didn't work. I started with Zoloft, to Serzone,Wellbutrin, Lexapro to Prozac. I have been on Prozac the longest and I have been experiencing more and more side effects. After researching online about Prozac and its long term side effects I believe it is because of the drug and being on it so long. I am having bouts of restless leg syndrome, more migraines than usual, trouble sleeping. I am going to discuss with my doctor about going off the drug and trying the natural way. I have been reading some of the posts and willing to try those with my doctor's help. I haven't felt really myself for a very long time.