My February challenge

casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
The following are challenges I've either set for myself or challenges I've joined for the month of February. If anyone wants to join me feel on all or any one of the challenges feel free. If you want to have your own challenge and others want to join yours please feel free.

1. Make another pair of socks. A pair that is more difficult than the ones i made in January.

2. Make another crocheted set of potholders learning a new crochet stitch. My goal for 2013 is to learn to crochet.

3. Get good at embroidering logo's on shirts by practicing until I get it perfect.

4. Make lined curtains for the living room.

5. Lose another 8 pounds

6. exercise 3 to 5 days week.


  • I am new to this group but i will put amy challenges out there :)

    1-loose 10lbs
    2-finish the whole30
    3-make one dress
    4-make one "jacket"
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks for the reminder to keep focused on the weight loss. What is finish the whole 30 mean. I can't wait to get down enough in my weight to start making clothes. I find it so hard to make clothes for me with my body being so disproportioned.
  • The Whole30 is a 30 day, no excuses, pure eating challenge. You don't eat sugar, soy, grains, dairy or beans. It is a strict paleo challenge. I am very allergic to dairy so I tend to eat either paleo or vegan because they don't do dairy so I started reading more and more about the paleo way. I don't agree with the whole ansesters ate a certain way thing, but I do believe in the science on how our bodys react to some of these foods. I started the whole30 but didn't finish. I will be eating paleo in the mean time and take up the whole30 challege again in a week or so. It is a bit of a challenge when your family isn't behind you but I made it 9 days so I know I can do it for 30 I just need to be a little more prepared this time. I believe in trying until you suceed!ha

    I am working on two new black tops right now and I don't have to do any adjusting but before I lost about 20lbs I had to adjust EVERYTHING! I can not find things at the store to fit because I am so short and carry all of my wieght in my belly. I tend to find maternity clothes but they are so expensive. I love fashion so I wasn't going to let it hinder me so I learned how to sew. I wish I was faster so I could have more clothes on hand. My ultimate goal is to make all my clothes that I wear and not have to alter any of them besides the length.

    I know I have lots of weight to loose but I do have to say it will be worth it all. We can do this! Lets focus on us and the way we want to look so we can rock some fashionable clothes!!!!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks for the explanation of what Whole30 is. Wow, i'm sure i couldn't go on the whole 30 diet. You can't even eat soy? It is going to take a lot more than 20 pounds before i will be able to make clothes with patterns as i'm really too big all over. I wish they had patterns made for petite big women. But, I'm patient, that will just be one more reason for me to keep the weight off this time. I can't wait until i lose enough weight to be able to make something without having to take it in too. You give me hope.
  • I have a long ways to go trust me! I am all belly. People think I am preggo ALL the time. So I am always adding fabric in the belly area. I am just now able to make some patterns without the extra but am still making the biggest size. I need to put more into loosing weight and so I am joining more groups to keep me on here to keep me motivated. I am the only only one of my family of five that is over weight. I live with all boys who eat everything and never gain a pound so it can get a bit overwhelming at times. My hubs doesn't care what I look like so that can be a blessing and a curse all at the same time. So I am all alone when it comes to weight loss. We can do this just have to keep going no matter what!!!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I'm evenly proportioned, but because i'm so short (and there are no petite patterns) I have to take the pattern out all over, even if i buy the largest pattern. Than the crotch is too big and everything is too long. Yuck. Like you, I need to put more into losing weight. I need to put a little into exercise which i hate. My husband says he likes me the way I am, but I don't believe him. If i looked good i think he'd be very proud. I understand what you mean by it being a curse as well as a blessing. We will do this, one day at a time, one pound at a time and one inch at a time.