Important stuff will go here one day.
30 minute challenge
I challenge myself and you if you'd like, whoever you is lol, to spend 30 minutes every day doing one of my sewing crafts. Today I started to thread my 10 needle embroidery machine. I have never used it even though it has been in my bedroom for years It belonged to my exH, and he left it behind because my lawyer told him…
Y'all awake?
This board has been quiet for some time. Let's talk! What have y'all been working on? I've been working on drafting my own pattern for a peasant-style shirt.
My February challenge
The following are challenges I've either set for myself or challenges I've joined for the month of February. If anyone wants to join me feel on all or any one of the challenges feel free. If you want to have your own challenge and others want to join yours please feel free. 1. Make another pair of socks. A pair that is…
Other than sewing what other crafts do you enjoy
I like knitting, crocheting, making jewelry, embroidery and quilting.
Not the most important reason
For those who make clothes by sewing, knitting or crocheting, do you find it harder or more expensive to make things because of being over weight. I know I do. I am 100 pounds overweight though. It is so frustrating finding a pattern that is right for me. I have to take it out all over. I can't wait to get to a normal…
Has anyone stenciled on burlap?
Hello! I was wondering if anyone has stenciled on burlap. If so, what kind of paint to use? Any suggestions?
Suggestion for challenges every month
Every month I join or set a sewing, knitting, embroidery and crocheting challenge for myself. This tends to keep me busy, keep me on target with my projects and most important helps keep me away from food after work. For January , my challenges included knitting a pair of socks, crocheting a pot holder, making a pair of…
How has sewing and doing crafts helped you with MFP
It helps me by keeping me busy which keeps me from compulsively eating. I tend to want to eat when i get bored.
Do you sell anything you make?
I sell things i make at a craft co-op. Me and my husband have a booth and we sell items with personalized embroidery. (t-shirts, caps, jackets...) I also sell my handmade baby doll clothes, dolls, bibs, burp cloths …
County Fairs
Do any of you enter your sewing projects in the county fairs? Several years ago I entered a christening dress. It was the first time I had ever entered anything. I got a blue ribbon. I was very pleased. When I went to pick it up after the fair, I was standing in line waiting to sign out and one of the judges came up to me…